I think big investors in Medini, Puteri Harbour and Danga Bay who bought several units in 2012-2013 will be caught. Those who bought just one unit should be fine. Prices could remain stagnant there for several years before moving up again. Afterall GDP and population growths are still positive, and working population is quite young in JB, hence inflation will eventually caught up with the future prices.
Agree that investing in Iskander should be really for long term esp with the direction SG's policies are heading. And rules implemented now can be lifted anytime in future. One should know investing in MY shouldn't be smooth sailing all the way. I only think it will be better if the state esp the all powerful royal and federal can be on the same track hence in the planning committee together.
The diff between Malaysia and Singapore is one wants growth and protection of it's people at the same time while the other is only growth all the way.