There is a crime thread that makes interesting reading.
Crime exists, more than the acceptable level, but we should exercise common sense and be on guard all the time.
Agree, we just have to be more vigilant.
Lots of counter measures as well as steering locks (about 69RM for baseball bat type) that one can purchase and pass through customs with no issues.
Nothing beats being vigilant and alert though. At a petrol station, always have your pump ready and look around the surroundings. Fuel can be used to blind and then more. Always lock your car when pumping petrol or going to the counter/toilet.
Everything can be a weapon, be it the squeegee stick used for wiping windows or even a bucket. A cup of hotwater, tea or coffee can be used to confuse and temporarily blind someone while you make your escape. Always run even after getting an advantage over the potential assailant as you may not know if he has any other people on standby or hiding.
Do not stay to finish the job even if you are able to.
Where possible take flight and run, where not possible, If you must strike, strike the hardest you can to ensure the person is sufficiently disabled/out of action. Pepper spray is available in Tesco for less than 20 RM as does the steering wheel lock (baseball bat) option.
Batons are good but gravity or telescopic ones will be seized by customs as well so do not bring these when going back. Telescopic ones are useful, always aim for the forearm to disarm rather than just the weapon or hand as the forearm is an easier and slower target to hit. Good against aggressive robbers on motorcycles too. However the best weapons in the world would not help much if one does not have sufficient training or guts to use them. A fruit knife will be useful, easy to explain as well as good in a pitch.
Again, run or if its only your wallet they are after, give it to them. Else, if they want to hurt you, hurt them more than they can hurt you, do not punch straight but use the heel of your palm or the side of your hand or use the base of your hand in a punch if you really have to punch.
Always act on the principle of never hurting anyone but be prepared to end it swiftly for them if they want to harm you/your family.
There was one time an associate of mine was followed by a local car after overtaking him and then not in a dangerous manner. I know him as i know his driving style very well. The petty guy followed my friends car until my normally very patient friend finally got upset, stopped by the road and waited with a smile.
The 3 guys in the other car slowed down, saw my mild mannered friend get out and sped off with their tails between their legs. I don't recommend others to do this as he is always well equipped when travelling locally.
Never stop and do what my friend did though, go to petrol kiosks, eateries, police stations, outside of some G&G developments where there are people around.
Again, for those inclined to bullying others, those normally mild mannered or extremely polite types tend to be the worst when they are really agitated.
The old saying, the silent dogs are the ones that kills still holds true to this day.
If you are trapped by motorcyles, cars that block your road and you know your safety and that of your family is threatened, don't just obey and let them do what they want if you still have a choice and they are not held by the perpetrators yet. (If they are, then just obey)
Detour, reverse, avoid and then attack where no other options are available. Remember your car is a weapon too and a massively useful one at that even if your tyre is punctured by them. Even if car stationary, press the horn, turn on all external vehicle lights like hazard lights (not internal as you lose situation awareness once you turn your internal lights on) If it comes to melee, tyre iron, fruit knife, wrenches, screwdrivers are all useful tools to have, avoid carrying anything heavier as you will tend to look for trouble rather than avoiding them. Always avoid the temptation to carry heavier equipment especially if you know you have a bad temper.
These applies to most countries i visited although in some, you kind of actually safer as you can typically carrier heavier gear than most would be robbers.
Remember, those with a death wish will normally get their wish fulfilled.