First, I would like to congralute all who had made the move to JB.
You are probably the 40% who had your own brain working independent of the 154th Shit Times.
My 2nd home in Tuas (my office is just 500m to 2nd link) for the last 8 years was where I first came
to seriously think of moving to JB.
Leisure Farm was my first visited property as I had Australia colleague who live there and subsequently a couple
of my Malaysians collegues who bought into Iskandan region.
Yet, I did not buy any of the property even up to till today.
You may be curious why I didn't buy any of the property.
See, I am an organic freak and my investigation led me to believe that
the developer had pump into the ground excessive "poison" in order
to pre-empt terminte problem. (pre-emptive strike in Bush word)
Can't blame them otherwise you may end up with this problem
I went to a colleague house in one of the Iskandar area and saw that the lady finger is kind of white.
She told me that whatever she plant at her garden she dare not eat as she too realize that the plant is "poison"
We knew it was "poisoned" because we had been in the chemcial industry long enough to see what environmental
pollution is all about. (the effect is slow but very long lasting and very damaging)
I am not trying to frighten any of you but just want you all to realize this hazard and take pre-cautionary measures.
Some of these measures will annoy your neigbhors as it involves using manure

(oh must be organic one too.)
Anyway, just google about it and you will get tons of information of making your garden organic.
In Singapore, you can go to Bottle Tree Park near Khatit MRT and join GUI activities to know more about organic gardening.
Here's their website
I am not related to them.
All I want is to share with all forummers how to live a healthier lives style DIY.