Not true lah... they are ok most of the is one of those days when everything went wrong for you lahdon't put the blame on the machines and singapore ...please
Just for info, can still find good size and quality nasi lemak at 1.50 in Seremban.
Talk about guts. Sharp and decisive. Agree that opportunity doesnt wait for u forever. Very good buy! I look forward to meeting u as my neighborIt sounds super cool for the resort-like design. I can just imagine it now. Next time u might see another house looks like yours, like twin brothers
Went to HH to check out the progress of the house yesterday (Monday), wife is with me. Didnt have a good trip bcoz my wife is always complaining.....
We had seen the show room before and we know all the pros and cons for this particular house we bought, but every time we talk about the house, she will pour me with "cold water".
She is not happy that the house is facing the highway. I told her it's not that near, bcoz there is a golf course in between. Then she go on and on about how close the house is to the highway, and that security is an issue, and that it will be noisy in the future due to traffic. I told her we will set up alarm and get 2 huge dogs for protection, if she think security is an issue. Then she is not happy with the master bedroom toilet, that there is no bath tub ( or couldnt fit in a bath tub coz it's too small). After that she complained that the house is too near to the the junction ( our unit is a corner lot so it's the first house on that row). Then she told me the corner lot is so small and that there is not enough land on the side.... Also, she will tell me how her relative bought a unit else where with cheaper price but bigger land. I told her yes, i agree, this house is not perfect, this isnt the dream house but we will take each day as a step, and we can improve things along the way and may be, get a better house later. Besides, if she is really that unhappy with the house, then she should voice up much earlier before i signed on the S & P.
She is just very negative. It's difficult when your wife didnt share the same zeal and excitement like you. And instead pouring water every time... we end up having a fight in a car. Now, i work pretty hard every day to earn money for the family.... and the unit we bought isnt cheap to me financially, it's 1.8m. With MRTA, it's come to about 7k+ a month. I just feel that i am the one working hard but she is the one always not happy. I remember when we were dating, she told me that even if we are poor, she can eat maggi mee with me everyday. So why is this? Or she need a bungalow? 3.5m is beyong my reach. (We were once very poor that we eat at mamak every night for dinner).
One thing though, my wife is pregnant now... it's our first baby. I assume that this is a difficult time for her now... and i just need to be patience and more understanding. It's sad though that i couldnt talk to her about the house, coz we dont want to start another fight.
Ops ... Sis skippy, paiseh!
Let me reintroduce myself. My name is Buaya, aka ManOfAction/DOA. My big name has been featured in numerous posts lately in here. If you do a quick search, my name will yield higher searches/results than justin bieber. The new kid on the block is right here. Everyone sees me as a big asset, and they have approached me to be the ambassador of their upcoming match-making agency.... (to be continued)
(Suddenly the voice of ah tiong appeared - "idiot... introducing yourself this way? No wonder you are still a golden bachelor!")
And that summed up my short introduction. Hope to see u around![]()
Went to HH to check out the progress of the house yesterday (Monday), wife is with me. Didnt have a good trip bcoz my wife is always complaining.....
We had seen the show room before and we know all the pros and cons for this particular house we bought, but every time we talk about the house, she will pour me with "cold water".
She is not happy that the house is facing the highway. I told her it's not that near, bcoz there is a golf course in between. Then she go on and on about how close the house is to the highway, and that security is an issue, and that it will be noisy in the future due to traffic. I told her we will set up alarm and get 2 huge dogs for protection, if she think security is an issue. Then she is not happy with the master bedroom toilet, that there is no bath tub ( or couldnt fit in a bath tub coz it's too small). After that she complained that the house is too near to the the junction ( our unit is a corner lot so it's the first house on that row). Then she told me the corner lot is so small and that there is not enough land on the side.... Also, she will tell me how her relative bought a unit else where with cheaper price but bigger land. I told her yes, i agree, this house is not perfect, this isnt the dream house but we will take each day as a step, and we can improve things along the way and may be, get a better house later. Besides, if she is really that unhappy with the house, then she should voice up much earlier before i signed on the S & P.
She is just very negative. It's difficult when your wife didnt share the same zeal and excitement like you. And instead pouring water every time... we end up having a fight in a car. Now, i work pretty hard every day to earn money for the family.... and the unit we bought isnt cheap to me financially, it's 1.8m. With MRTA, it's come to about 7k+ a month. I just feel that i am the one working hard but she is the one always not happy. I remember when we were dating, she told me that even if we are poor, she can eat maggi mee with me everyday. So why is this? Or she need a bungalow? 3.5m is beyong my reach. (We were once very poor that we eat at mamak every night for dinner).
One thing though, my wife is pregnant now... it's our first baby. I assume that this is a difficult time for her now... and i just need to be patience and more understanding. It's sad though that i couldnt talk to her about the house, coz we dont want to start another fight.
No Probs & Thanks for your kind blessings & wishes... Thanks Sista Ah Tiong... for clarifying my gender... wow u got such an interesting intro.... Impressive... sure Sista Tiong can see ya... well I'm also like Sista Tiong... i frequent more KSL side... learning and getting to familiar with Sutera and HH side... i'm so happy that it's so active in here.. just that work is getting bz.. so i need to read fast to catch up .. hee hee Got gathering must chio okie... if find nice makan places can share ... can also consider for gathering or some kopi sessions too... hee hee
I always blamed my own ill luck when things goes wrong as i am always very unlucky but sometimes i see it happens to others too. It has also happened to my family as well as they find that things aren't fixed up as often as they used to be.
Not true they are working most of the time, the AXS machine, i remembered more than a few times last year i already avoided as the card reader seems to be faulty. Called them and they said they will come. Its actually just the card reader which isn't working but then you need your ATM card to pay at the end of it right? The keyboard also seems to be faulty quite often, sometimes when you need to put in NRIC, it doesn't work. The scanner doesn't work at times too.
I thought it was fixed by now or more likely maybe was really fixed and then got spoilt again? This has nothing to do with Singapore as this has nothing to do with the country but there seems to have a lot (i won't say foreign or local) of people abusing the machines these days.
One time at a gas station, also AXS machine, done up everything and then suddenly it says no network. I told the guys behind in the queue and went in to the gas station store (Yes i always support SPC when i am back) to pay for things and get newspapers, when i came out, they were leaving and shaking their heads.
The guy after i gave up at the AXS machine was on a bicycle (yes he stopped at the AXS machine while still on his bicycle, did a payment (i was at the SAM machine on the left), he kept trying to put in the ATM card but of course its not working. He then rubbed the card on his shirt and used saliva to "clean" it before reinserting.
Another time, saw a worker pressing against an ATM machine and then maybe not able to read or something, smashed his fist against the ATM machine buttons and left. Another, no receipt so he kept banging the machine for the receipt. Another time after trying to put coins and small bills into a cash accepting machine, again cannot put in but simply refuse to believe the people behind him that coins and $2 dollar notes cannot be put in. (If you are not going to take people's advice, why ask right) In the end, waste everyones time.
Then some will use their POSB/Citibank card at an OCBC or UOB ATM machine, you tell them they can't, but they cannot understand English, end up of course cannot and then they stand there puzzled and not giving up. When its finally your turn, they crowd around behind you to see how come you can draw money. Literally trying to look at everything including when pressing pin so i told them to wait.
Already taught a few of these guys how to use an ATM machine so hopefully they learnt how to use them.
wow..I feel for you bro...
sit down and have a heart to heart chat with her....just like the courtign times...
You need to be understanding and so does she...both side need ot give and's not always one hand that is giving....
i believe in time she will in "Kaizen" take small step at a time...
Tell yourself, your RM 1.8m house is the envy of many. Those who complain because they do not know how to appreciate it. Its 100 x better than a 5 room HDB flat for sure!
Regarding near to coastal highway, you need to spend about RM 5k-RM 10k to beef up security and make your windows soundproof. No need to soundproof the entire house, just your room where you will sleep is enough.
I guarantee your wife will love this house when both of you move in. The flaws are there in every HH houses but fortunately, it can be changed or rectified to make your whole house more appealing.
Went to HH to check out the progress of the house yesterday (Monday), wife is with me. Didnt have a good trip bcoz my wife is always complaining.....
We had seen the show room before and we know all the pros and cons for this particular house we bought, but every time we talk about the house, she will pour me with "cold water".
She is not happy that the house is facing the highway. I told her it's not that near, bcoz there is a golf course in between. Then she go on and on about how close the house is to the highway, and that security is an issue, and that it will be noisy in the future due to traffic. I told her we will set up alarm and get 2 huge dogs for protection, if she think security is an issue. Then she is not happy with the master bedroom toilet, that there is no bath tub ( or couldnt fit in a bath tub coz it's too small). After that she complained that the house is too near to the the junction ( our unit is a corner lot so it's the first house on that row). Then she told me the corner lot is so small and that there is not enough land on the side.... Also, she will tell me how her relative bought a unit else where with cheaper price but bigger land. I told her yes, i agree, this house is not perfect, this isnt the dream house but we will take each day as a step, and we can improve things along the way and may be, get a better house later. Besides, if she is really that unhappy with the house, then she should voice up much earlier before i signed on the S & P.
She is just very negative. It's difficult when your wife didnt share the same zeal and excitement like you. And instead pouring water every time... we end up having a fight in a car. Now, i work pretty hard every day to earn money for the family.... and the unit we bought isnt cheap to me financially, it's 1.8m. With MRTA, it's come to about 7k+ a month. I just feel that i am the one working hard but she is the one always not happy. I remember when we were dating, she told me that even if we are poor, she can eat maggi mee with me everyday. So why is this? Or she need a bungalow? 3.5m is beyong my reach. (We were once very poor that we eat at mamak every night for dinner).
One thing though, my wife is pregnant now... it's our first baby. I assume that this is a difficult time for her now... and i just need to be patience and more understanding. It's sad though that i couldnt talk to her about the house, coz we dont want to start another fight.
Bro Icyraine,
When woman are pregnant, their innate protective instinct kick into overdrive. So anything new, unfamiliar or even dangerous is frowned upon immediately. So its understandable she will get paranoid over security issues. I dont know whats your motivation for buying a SGD750K house in johor bro. Even with deep pockets, i will not commit so much money on just one unit. Instead i will buy 3 units and spread it across Nusujaya. 2 of the units can be rented out and help pay for the mortgage. Big houses are definitely shiok to stay in and impressive when relatives visit. But from a practical standpoint, cleaning the place can be a mammoth task unless one engages outsiders to help - more costs and more worries with outsiders in the house. For me, i always like to balance idealism with a sense of pragmatism. Thats why altho many bros here advocate HH, for me i like to stay closer to shops/eateries cos one has to eat everyday and for whatever reasons, one cannot expect to be always driving a car. Again thats me.
Agree... HH is such a nice place... i mean it's a dream house for many people... guess when we are getting more, we are asking for more.
I remember when i started work, i am so happy to get my first humble apartment in JB.. cost <180k
Now i m buying house half a million dollar but i m looking at those luxury bungalow... thinking when can i afford this type of house with all the luxury fittings and electric gadgets.
We have to learn to be contented with what we have.. which we already have a lot....
Regarding near to coastal highway, you need to spend about RM 5k-RM 10k to beef up security and make your windows soundproof. No need to soundproof the entire house, just your room where you will sleep is enough.
I guarantee your wife will love this house when both of you move in. The flaws are there in every HH houses but fortunately, it can be changed or rectified to make your whole house more appealing.