i am comparing the equal affordability in this sample, the cheapest hdb in ulu area and normal landed property outside nusajaya area.
leasehold example, i totally agreed with you and i foreseen this will happen in the future as well, thats why i mentioned at this moment in my example, Singaporean still can sell their hdb or downgrade and get a house in JB if he really feel comfortable with JB. In fact Singaporean keep upgrading their hdb, 1 of the factor contribute to higher price from my point of view, i could be wrong, the problem is not many ppl willing to taking the risk to lose the hdb and cannot buy back eventually if price going up further, this is the risk that no one can 100% sure now, if not selling, renting out now is equally good to get a house in JB, free + extra pocket money as example given but many ppl here, but most of them want both, keep the hdb for backup or convenience + holiday home resort in the same time, is still achievable for most of the ppl here. Taking about major sers and massive aging flat, this is the main factor i strongly believe will bring down hdb pricing, but then all the scholars will find out the way...hahaa
It doesn't make sense to compare our father generation, this happen everywhere, not only S'pore, is all about inflation and no one can escape.
<<Quote>>Compare to Msia, do you know how affordable it is for them (despite all their complaints), how long can they pay up loan?
It normally take 30 to 40 years for a ordinary ppl to pay up the loan in Malaysia if they are lucky enough, definitely longer than Singaporean. I have explained in my example, more than 30% of their pay in CASH not cpf money for monthly installment over 30 to 40 years.
For first time house buyers, the government of malaysia allow 100% loan for up to certain amount for those income less than RM3000, you can refer to this link and read the comments for more understanding.