Yup. That's another idea. Can just drive to the interchange, park there and take bus also ... But I thin I will still need a s-plate la. Imagine if I have emergency to get back to Sg but don't have the luxury of time to travel by bus, I won't be able to drive the m-plate car into Sg leh. It'll be an offense ...
Hi Dreamoraction,
An SG car, CW3, taxi will definitely be the main points. Some bros did pointed out
In recognition of the needs of bona fide Singaporeans or Singapore PRs working and residing in Malaysia to make home visits to Singapore, we could consider you for the special concession scheme. Under the scheme, all approved applicants are allowed to drive their Malaysia-registered cars into Singapore for all weekends, all Singapore public holidays and another 28 weekdays in a calendar year. Approval will be given on a case-by-case basis with consideration to the following:
The applicant (his spouse or his company) is the registered owner of the vehicle. If the vehicle is rented/leased by his company, he has to submit an official letter from the company stating the period the vehicle is leased for and that the vehicle is provided solely for his use;
He is physically working and residing in Malaysia;
He is required to apply to Land Transport Authority for approval when his earlier approval letter (if any) has expired (i.e. upon expiry of his vehicle's insurance/road tax or 6 months, whichever is earlier);
His vehicle has a valid Malaysia road tax disc and insurance coverage for the period it is used in Singapore; and
He must keep, in each of his visit, his vehicle outside Singapore before the vehicle entry permit grace expiry of 14 days from the date of the last entry.
(Note: Unless further extension is granted, the vehicle entry permit valid for 14 days is issued upon each entry and encoded in its Autopass Card electronically at land checkpoint.)
If you wish to apply for the scheme, please fax your request and the following documents to us at (02)-65535329 or (02)-65535802 (from Malaysia) or by email to
[email protected]:
A photocopy of your Singapore identity card (front and reverse sides);
A photocopy of your passport with the relevant page of your employment pass endorsed by Malaysian Immigration or Malaysian identity card (if any);
A photocopy of your company's letter confirming that you are currently working and residing in Malaysia;
A photocopy of your vehicle's valid registration card (front and reverse sides) with latest valid road tax endorsement by Road Transport Department, Malaysia;
A photocopy of your vehicle's valid insurance certificate;
If the vehicle in your application is registered under your company's name (or is rented/leased by your company), we would also require an photocopy of your employer's letter stating the period the vehicle is leased for and that the vehicle is given solely for your use and that only you can drive the vehicle; and
A photocopy of your marriage certificate (if you are applying with your spouse's vehicle).
Please also provide us your residential address in Malaysia and your residential address during your intending visit in Singapore and indicate your intended date(s) of visit (if available) to Singapore.
Important Note
Your application must reach us at least 5 working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) before your intended visit to Singapore to allow us to process your application. Please note that we may not be able to process your application on time if your submission is incomplete or late.
Electronic Road Pricing and Vehicle Entry Permit Fees and toll charges
Please refer to our website at
http://www.lta.gov.sg =>'Motoring' =>'Driving Into and Out Singapore' =>`West-Malaysian Registered Vehicles' =>'Vehicle Entry Permit/Tolls' and `Autopass card matters' for more details on payment of vehicle entry permit (VEP) fee, electronic road pricing (ERP) fee and toll charges.
Driving Licence to drive in Singapore
You may also wish to check on the type of driving licence required to drive in Singapore for Singapore citizen or Singapore permanent resident from the following Singapore Traffic Police's portal:
Please contact our Customer Service Hotline at 1800-CALL LTA (1800-2255582) or email us at
[email protected] or
[email protected] if you need clarification.