Old Man had a certain regard towards Arthur Lim & the LIm Famiily borne from his young impressionable days.
He has mentioned in his memoirs something along the lines of 'people like Richard Lim Chuan Ho (Arthur Lim's father) - a prominent lawyer of his time - managed to be less hit by the Great Depression of the 30s, unlike Old Man's own father (profession-less, employee of Shell). This observation spur him to either be a doctor or lawyer in his chosen profession. Young Harry finally decided on the Law because legal training is shorter & hence cheaper than medical training.
Thus, Arthur Lim's father (the law firm still exists in the 90s as R.C.H.Lim & Co in Maxwell House), can be said to be some sort of career model for the Young Lee.
Of course, Arthur Lim turned out to be a rare local talent, achieving worldwide fame in cataract/eye specialization in world opthalmologists circles. In spite of his Progressive/Labour leanings, Arthur's patriotism is unquestioned & further cemented by the sterling act of his handing over evidence of Chew Swee Kee's corruption to PAP's Lee.
The Chew Bombshell was, amongst other factors, the spark to the 1959 PAP Ascent to Power.
So long as Arthur do not rock the boat too much, Lee will give him his due place in Spore Society.
p.s. Arthur's niece also married to one of the Lee's nephews (his bro's sons). Don't forget a certain Wong Kan Seng is also related this way.

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