Looks like he finally picked up one of his father's well known traits.
The trait is offending other countries.
I dare him to make jokes about the Muslims, Islam, and the tudungs.
I read his 'jokes' and came to the conclusion that he reads this forum and copied the spirit of some of the 'jokes' from here. Scary.
Pinky is a bumbler who is a disgrace to singapore n he is paid
Many times more than Obama.what a farking disgrace !!!
Better he stay at home as a housemaid n keep his farking mouth
Masking taped! Pui !
I dare him to make jokes about the Muslims, Islam, and the tudungs.
Thats a job for his old man.....no worries the old man got all the muzzy turncoats half lifes like Yaccob etc doing damage control.
Wait for China to make jokes about the paltry salaries Singapore cabinet ministers make. And a President who is all wayang but "jin ho tan".
In Sinkieland...if u wanna smoke...you can oni do it at ur window...all other place most likely will kena orgong...
In Sinkieland...if u wanna drink sewage (new)water...jus turn on de tap...
I dare him to make jokes about the Muslims, Islam, and the tudungs.
In SINGapore you don't need to go to the circus to see a clown, you pay $1,000,000 to Lim S.S., & you don't need to hear a nightingale sing, you hear Lim S.S., for the same price http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTMMRrxx-Ug, you don't need to go the cinema to watch Zorro, for the same price, you get an entertainment package.
Isn't that UNIQUELY YOUR SINgapore??
Does he have balls?? MacDonald have a "quarter pounder" or "Big Mac"...itu ada, satu ikan billis!! ha ha ha ha
does LHL know the difference?
A French kiss is lip to lip. An Australian kiss is a kiss down under.
Pinky is a bumbler who is a disgrace to singapore n he is paid
Many times more than Obama.what a farking disgrace !!!
Better he stay at home as a housemaid n keep his farking mouth
Masking taped! Pui !
I wonder how he can be PM of singapore ?
A tragedy for Singaporeans.