luckily all my buddies who bought properties in jb 6.9 years ago heeded my advice and liquidated them about 2 years ago. they were fortunate to sell for scratch - slight loss was only in the remodelling money they put in. now they are selling their near 4-decade old hdb flats as they use the jb-sale money to pay down on private condos before the enbloc frenzy - another of my advice, and they act accordingly. everytime i meet them, they would treat me to all you can eat sushi. but i advise them to stay away from sushi in sg. just vegetarian economy lice will do.
oil price going up ... najis is lucky ...
no lah, Venezuela also go bust despite recovering oil prices.
Due to the election, Najib is trying hard to support ringgit for another month before letting go.
Oppies have been saying the same about the PAP for decades. Oppies say that our reserves are depleted, our treasury is empty, CPF is nearly empty, the PAP leaders are secretly plundering the country, we are propping up property prices and our currency by cooking books, printing money, blah blah blah... In the end, all these are proven lies! Singapore is doing well financially, the reserves are plentiful and we have more than enough money to meet CPF obligations.
After Najib wins, I expect the mudland to continue to do well. Mudland will do badly if oppies like PAS win and form the government. They have no idea how to run a decent state and should not even be trusted with a lemonade stand, let alone the state or a country. They've run Terengganu and Kelantan into the ground, making it so poor that it is a breeding ground for religious militancy and extremism like Aceh today.
If a currency is strong artificially deflated its a good thing..bcos the market is own yr side..spending to get more. If yr currency is weak and u prop it up than u r fucked as u are throwing money down the drain.Singapore is artificially suppressing SGD strength to slow down the speed of MNCs moving to lower cost centres.
- In recent years the largest manipulators have been Singapore and Switzerland, with average annual purchases in 2016 and 2017 of about US$90 billion and US$80 billion, respectively. Singapore had the world's largest net official flows in 2017. Singapore's manipulation derives primarily from CPF, which collects high payroll taxes from workers and invests them entirely overseas through a sovereign wealth fund to back future pension obligations. April 3, 2018
- Singapore has run a general government surplus every year since 1990. Singapore has a long history of managing its currency heavily—and not always showing its intervention in the most transparent way. Eg. the sharp rise in government deposits abroad looks and feels like backdoor intervention—just in a way that doesn’t register on the central bank's balance sheet. May 18, 2017
where ever tiongs throng property price will rise as they have market-messing mob mentality. manila properties are booming because 100k tiongs migrate there to “park” their ill gotten cash due to building of casinos.You have good foresight. Iskandar is another con job like CLOB shares. Every decade, Malaysia comes up with new gimmicks to suck sinkies dry
Cheers! I believe your US property is surging now (and please find your dog a partner).
Oppies have no chance to win in Singapore and Malaysia. The parties that brought us to merdeka will rule forever. Oppies will just show up to get beaten. Hidup UMNO!
The takedown of PAP will be violent. Dogs like you will be hung up for public flogging and humiliation. You relatives will spit on you. Your children will do too.
Repent now before it is too late.