to end with 2020, the country has its 1st vaccination to CDC nurse on 29DEC after so-called releasing phase3 on 28DEC.
to start with 2021, by 30 into 31DEC, sillypore hit 30 new cases, though not dormitory by imported . . . 5 cases from community recorded especially with asymptomatically!
with the new strain of coronavirus spreading like wildfire in the west, and amazingly not highlighted in east with only few imported cases reported in china (you believe?)
to hit 70% of population vaccinated with 2 dosages (3-4weeks apart) . . . . . this target will NOT be hit before Q2 or even Q3 of 2021!
not to mention ppl cunt wait to social in CNY, and rest of ph days coming in Q1 since no one travels and not even JB...... this hints phase3 is not behind.
worst, gahmen has been fooling ppl with grammatical fabricated news like employment rose 30% on "resident employee" what nonsensical sickening leaderships they are!
and biden who only knows how to blame trump administrations but w/o any move to economical revamp - its expected major crashes to world stock markets in 2021
so . . . . 2021 will be excitingly sad......