The house dont fuck care….I learned a fair bit from this episode.
1. How scary to is for a top politician to have to portray one stance in pubic and do something entirely contrary in private.
2. How 83 goons aced the written exam but failed the practical exam.
3. How a career bully can get completely flustered/blindsided/panicked when his victim punches him back for the first time after taking his shit for years.
4. Most important, i learned that the biggest swine in this saga is the thambi playing both sides….truly, a cunt extraordinaire.
wan sinkies 2 lose so dat others win? ... wat n idiot! ... juz rook @ dose burgerz o man ...... The only way forward for all of us – the Lee family, the government and for Singaporeans - is for each of us to give up something for Singapore to win. We all lose some but we win the bigger picture: Singapore’s image ...
basically, he's telling off ah loon ...... I urge PM, the government, the Lee siblings and Singaporeans to give up the desire to preserve the house and allow the 38 Oxley house to be demolished today, not in the future ...
The house dont fuck care….I learned a fair bit from this episode.
1. How scary to is for a top politician to have to portray one stance in pubic and do something entirely contrary in private.
2. How 83 goons aced the written exam but failed the practical exam.
3. How a career bully can get completely flustered/blindsided/panicked when his victim punches him back for the first time after taking his shit for years.
4. Most important, i learned that the biggest swine in this saga is the thambi playing both sides….truly, a cunt extraordinaire.
This 38OR saga may seem not heading anywhere. Besides LHL, both Sham & TCH got some character damaged from it. From the 70% who voted for MIW, I hope this saga can swing the true locals from this group back to the oppositions. Those immigrants are pro-MIW and will be harder to convince. Many of those Singapore government sponsored foreign students had already settled down in Singapore and given citizenship. Many of those are also bringing their immediate family over to Singapore. Citizenship could multiply very fast. I hope the oppositions can find better candidates and mount a take over. This post-LKY era could change due to this saga. Hope so.
The snake should sue.
Many of the 70% who voted for PAP did so because of LKY. Now that they know that LHL has shown himself to be a ' dis-honorable son' in the words of LWL who does not care about the feelings of his siblings and family ties , and worst, does not respect LKY's last wish in the Oxley house 's saga, there will be a big swing to the Opps in the next GE especially from the older folks who in the last GE voted for PAP out of respect for the late LKY.
LHL will pay dearly for his mistake.
daft sinkies cant tink, oni read wat dat 154th says n take dat as their own opinions ...... Now that they know that LHL has shown himself to be a ' dis-honorable son' in the words of LWL who does not care about the feelings of his siblings and family ties , and worst, does not respect LKY's last wish in the Oxley house 's saga ...
LHL will pay dearly for his mistake.
Many of the 70% who voted for PAP did so because of LKY. Now that they know that LHL has shown himself to be a ' dis-honorable son' in the words of LWL who does not care about the feelings of his siblings and family ties , and worst, does not respect LKY's last wish in the Oxley house 's saga, there will be a big swing to the Opps in the next GE especially from the older folks who in the last GE voted for PAP out of respect for the late LKY.
LHL will pay dearly for his mistake.
From Inderjit Singh in his FB - brilliant and cunning. The siblings should move on this immediately.
many of the 70% who voted for pap did so because of lky. Now that they know that lhl has shown himself to be a ' dis-honorable son' in the words of lwl who does not care about the feelings of his siblings and family ties , and worst, does not respect lky's last wish in the oxley house 's saga, there will be a big swing to the opps in the next ge especially from the older folks who in the last ge voted for pap out of respect for the late lky.
Lhl will pay dearly for his mistake.
If this is the last we have heard from LHY and LWL ie they settled the issue privately and house is demolished and all is quiet then we will know for sure that this was nothing but an exercise for personal interests on the part of the siblings.
All that talk about saving singapore and what not all bullshit.
Agree but the oppositions have to act fast. Once population goes up to 6.9 million,it will be tough. Those elites once retired will move to other countries, in the end the commoners suffer.
Ho Ching: If there is objection to renting out to say expats, then the family could consider moving in at least for the initial years. Ling can use one of the big bdrms. and Loong/I can use the other big bdrm, while Yipeng could use the smaller bdrm, assuming Xiuqi, Hongyi and Haoyi may set up their homes elsewhere and come back to visit from time to time. Or we can create more bdrms at lower levels
Nothing to negotiate. LHL painted himself into a corner by his offer and they taking it up probably too see what he can offer and appear cooperative in the eyes of the public. The ball goes back into his court.
The secret committee is probably what did the most damage and not the "he say, you say" thingy.
Shammugam would be a absolute pariah even amongst his own cabinet colleagues for playing both ends.
25 years or so ago I happen to be present when a conversation between him and another person took place. There were few others in the room as well. He was asked a question and provided a misleading answer. Everyone in the room knew what the person meant by the question. He was asked a second question to seek clarification. He then gave the right answer. Did not blink or explain why he provided the first misleading answer. Years later he did the same when SPH interviewed him, again to mislead. A leopard never changes its spots.