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Lee Hsien Yang : I am a political refugee


KNN, I received a real threat - that she will gangrape me in my next life. To which party should I apply for asylum ? Or is it better to commit her to an asylum instead?
Tsk tsk tsk you Malaysian Cantonese criminal dog son of prostitute smearing me one tell lies without shame I curse you get gangrape you can twist to I want to gangrape you. No morals no principle no kindness Cantonese criminal dog Pui!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dear Lee Hsien Loong, if you are not happy you can hire assassins and send them to the UK. Modi can teach you a thing or two regarding this. :wink:

After all, you're human garbage and not beneath committing fratricide. :cool:

KingFook Sr

The sins of the father shall be visited on his children to the third and fourth generations. He can afford to fuck off but what about the average joe on the street? Even as a refugee he cares only for himself. Once a lee forever a lee
Sinkies will not agree with you.
LHY is a good guy.
I heard yang had Aussie PR. Wonder why he went to the UK instead.
Compared to Auss (convict-genes), UK has better quality of life (culture and people).


Why Yang play very big ?

The insignificant nobody me wonders the same as you too.

On one hand he claims the reason that he wanted 38 Oxley home demolish was so that it would not made political capital by anyone, as it is his father's supposed wish. Such are private matters which many would understand & respected.

But on the other hand, he DEMOLISHES what his father - one of our great Founding Fathers - the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew - and his great team that had built up over decades, thru courage, hardwork, sacrifices & more to give us citizens our todays, by claiming that Singapore is not what it seems, under his brother - our ex PM & currently Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong...

Even in the darkest day of political strife - gigantic political battles between our Founder & JB Jeyaratnam - who lost often at elections, there were no political persecution back then & even now. Had any innocent political opposition figure been put to jail without fair trial & representation? NONE.

Thus, WHAT is it that Mr Lee Hsien Yang & his immediate family of wife & children are after?

He had 'parachuted' into cushy jobs all his life, a privilege that most Singaporeans would not deny him, out of respect to our Founding father, but does he desire to 'parachute' into our Nation's Prime Minister post, without the hardwork, courage & sacrifices that his brother SM Lee Hsien Loong had done to prove all his life just like our Founding father?