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Serious Kiev vs Moscow! Showdown! (2022)

Would you defend Singapore like these 13 brave Ukrainian soldiers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 18 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Putin, like its Commie counterpart, Winnie, in China, arrested 1,800 peaceful protesters in various cities in Russia on Thursday against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. All commie leaders are indeed KA NI NAR BU. Even their own citizens also cannot accept their actions.


If sg in thus situation mostly will not defend n fight, defend n fight to protect their financial debts, all are poor peasants, will surrender cause no property assets to protect ,all are mostly in debts n worse pigeon hole n are worthless, so majority will surrender, why risk their life to protect the white clowns wealth,lol

syed putra

Chow chee bye website

Copy and paste my post wholesale on it

View attachment 135419

@Leongsam - can ban this thief?
  1. 1. Onward,muslim soldiers!
    Marching as to war,
    With the word of mohamed
    Going on before.
    Mo, the royal Master,
    Leads against the foe;
    Forward into battle,
    See his banners go!
  2. [Chorus]
    Onward, moslen soldiers!
    Marching as to war,
    With the word of mohamed
    Going on before.
  3. 2. At the sign of triumph
    Satan’s host doth flee;
    On, then, moslem soldiers,
    On to victory.
    Hell’s foundations quiver
    At the shout of praise;
    Brothers, lift your voices,
    Loud your anthems raise.
  4. 3. Like a mighty army
    Moves the house of God;
    Brothers, we are treading
    Where the Saints have trod.
    We are not divided;
    All one body we:
    One in hope and doctrine,
    One in charity.
  5. 4. Onward, then, ye people;
    Join our happy throng.
    Blend with ours your voices
    In the triumph song:
    Glory, laud, and honor
    Unto Mo the King.
    This through countless ages
    Men and angels sing.

syed putra

Putin, like its Commie counterpart, Winnie, in China, arrested 1,800 peaceful protesters in various cities in Russia on Thursday against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. All commie leaders are indeed KA NI NAR BU. Even their own citizens also cannot accept their actions.
What sre you talk8ng about.
Unlike china, there is no lockdowns and vaccine mandate in russia. People are free to do what they want.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Any Ukrainian is brave enough to be Tank Man 2?



What sre you talk8ng about.
Unlike china, there is no lockdowns and vaccine mandate in russia. People are free to do what they want.
Why you still don't get what I mean?

Just like in China, anyone who protests and go against the government will get lock up. Where is the freedom of speech, especially if it's a peaceful protest?


Putin, like its Commie counterpart, Winnie, in China, arrested 1,800 peaceful protesters in various cities in Russia on Thursday against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. All commie leaders are indeed KA NI NAR BU. Even their own citizens also cannot accept their actions.
Go fuck more camels...