In streetfights and gangfights, Chinese always win. You can check through police records.
Talk cock street fights and gangfights the chinese win? 1st of all most gang fights/street fights occur between Chinese gangs themselves... So your saying chinese gang vs Indian/malay gang and the chinese Win? Doesnt make sense cos it doesnt happen as most gangs are Chinese dominated.(And in my years of growing up and being close to gang-members/gang i have yet to hear a chinese vs malay/indian gang fight as most of them keep to themselves and fight among themselves..Etc.. Omega with Kallang airport malay side, Or 24 Indian side vs 21 Gss indian side) And no way would police records point to who win..So stop talking cock. The only thing police record would show is there are more Chinese gang-members and more have been arrested for fighting and nothing more. Its pretty obvious your are full of yourself.
Have you heard of Sarajumbo(Only Indian Gang) or Omaga(Only Malay gang) clashing with 18 Chinese side? No right.. Cos if it happens there will be death. (If yes..Let me know i can confirm this very Quickly to see if your talking cock)
So the only Incident we can talk about was during the Racial Riots... So who won and who had more man and who suffered more casualties?
Its pretty obvious that you as a Chinese would say that.
How bout 1 TO 1, Men to men? Who win? Chinese always? LOL....
My friends who are ex-police men tells me that most of the time, The Chinese would run the moment they see cops and the malays would stay put. The chinese would only put up a violent fight just to evade arrest and they are always the 1st to run.
There seem to be a conflict of interest and you are defiantly lying and talking cock.
Your words and my friends who are ex-cops seems to differ greatly. I have lots of friends who are ex-cop.. Infact my bestfriend is a Ex-cop too..
How old are you? I was in my teens in the 90s, And things might be different then your time. During my secondary school days, I was close with more Chinese(And they tend to be more cautious) then Malays and Indians combine.. And it seems to be a totally different scenario then what you are painting, Cos i see the Chinese as more steady and will talk 1st and try to diffuse the matter or at least settle it with a 1 to 1.. The indians/malays would wait outside school with weapons and will attack violently.
@Goldendragon... CLTP have a large no. of Chinese is because many are in there for Constantly going in/out and being Head-man. If you are a headman you are defiantly going to sit 55 and you will stay in there till your gang outside is no longer "Hot"
End of the day, I can say that the Chinese are cowards as well. I have seen them being chased around by other "Minority groups who have less no. with them... Not Once but many times... The Chinese tend to be more fierce when in Numbers.. This is my observation.. And if there is 1 to 1 with a minority almost always the Chinese gets their ars whooped. So can my views justify that all the Chinese are cowards and weaklings? Nope cos everyone is different. There is always another mountain higher then yours.
Go into prison and see for yourself who are the fuckers that you dont mess with.. Even in prison its very very very very rare to see to race groups fighting and they keep apart from one another(In-fact i have not heard of one). In prison the indians/malays when assaults with a deadly weapon would not own up but a Chinese would stand there and owned up straight away. Many also tend to be paotoh kias. I have lots of very good friends who have gone in and out of prisons for years... And many of my close friends regardless of race are ex-cons.
Come on Ramseth stop talking bullshit.. The Chinese tend to be more afraid of Authority as well.. You can continue to talk bullshit but im not taking that crap cos what i have seen with my own eyes growing up seems to be extremely different to your views..... The view points by others(Regardless of race) on the ground also tend to be extremely different then yours.
The Indians and Malays are extremely violent. During my time mid-90s to 2000, Most of the violent attacks was by Malays and Indians with deadly weapons and Rtc/boys homes and Changi W.P hall had a very large no. of this groups in there and many for Rioting/assault with dangerous weapons.. But fuck this shit and it is noting to be proud off, This fuckers deserve a slap instead of a Medal for hurting others and making their parents cry. Im not proud of this nonsense and think gang violence is b.s and rather settle things as men etc. 1 to 1.. I bet for you..You would want to glorify this b.s
But end of the day... Im stereotyping as well. Cos i cant say that all Chinese are cowards or all of them would lose.. Cos its a different story with every Individuals.
There are individuals that you dont mess with regardless of his color his skin, his shape or size.
End of the day, I can bring my friend an ex-cop and He can say his piece based on Race... So can you take his Points?