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Kapita land cheated by Garment - Ski Vue residents paid a heavy price


Alfrescian (Inf)
Rich men's problems.. i live in my "cheap" bto pigeon hole, did not pay premium for anything, no expectations... happy there's a roof over my head.. those kpkb one.. tough shit! Rich have their own set of problems.


There was no "cheating" or hidden plan. All along, the surrounding empty land parcels held by HDB or SLA are zoned for residential use under the master plan. It is just a matter of time before SLA/HDB develops them. Buyers of Sky Habitat and Sky Vue should have checked and not assume those empty parcels will stay that way forever.
Such condo is for flippers. Where got such thing as buy and hold in this time and age am I rite? :sneaky:


You sound like a property agent. :wink:

There was no "cheating" or hidden plan. All along, the surrounding empty land parcels held by HDB or SLA are zoned for residential use under the master plan. It is just a matter of time before SLA/HDB develops them. Buyers of Sky Habitat and Sky Vue should have checked and not assume those empty parcels will stay that way forever.


Alfrescian (Inf)
In the west, there's a certain new small condo next to a canal running/cycling track. During construction, the advertising on the barriers claimed that it was 'luxurious riverside living'... but it's just a shitty canal and the water sometimes stink. :roflmao:


My multimillionaire ministers say they are just building more houses for Singaporeans and too bad if your view is blocked. Not happy ah? You have vote in hand lor. Long live PAP, huat ahhhhhh


If buy private should be freehold. Don't understand why buy 99 yr leasehold condos. Except maybe to escape crazy violent hdb neighbors.


It is not just a grave yard. It is the ultimate lifeline of Singapore. Japanese could not defeat Singapore without first defeating Bishan. Know your history. If you drop an atomic bomb right in Bishan, the whole Singapore will be wiped out from the map. No joke, fengshui folklore claims there are 4 dragons (NSEW) in Singapore, with its head all pointing towards a pearl.That pearl is Bishan.
Really...is that why 光明山is located there as well...too much emphasis are placed on the hits and not the misses of fengshui and fortune telling...


In the west, there's a certain new small condo next to a canal running/cycling track. During construction, the advertising on the barriers claimed that it was 'luxurious riverside living'... but it's just a shitty canal and the water sometimes stink. :roflmao:
Where that condo ah? Not west coast right? the weirdo Constituency and now invaded by midges


Alfrescian (Inf)
In the west, there's a certain new small condo next to a canal running/cycling track. During construction, the advertising on the barriers claimed that it was 'luxurious riverside living'... but it's just a shitty canal and the water sometimes stink. :roflmao:

Those who bought the condo on those false ad can sue to get some money back. Sue, sue, sue.