Sometimes we do that to God. He'll give us a task and we complain about it. If we take small, slow steps we will soon make it up the tall, steep hill.
No one whose testicles have been crushed or whose penis has been cut off may be admitted into the community of the Lord. (Deuteronomy 23:2 NAB)
Big muscles don't come from light loads.
They come from carrying a lot of weight.
Weight can build you up or bend you over.
It depends on how you use it
...and how you see it.
The different between science and religion is that the former is always willing to reconsider any of its theories , laws and rules .. Without stubbornly holding onto them .
And so, are you still holding on stubbornly to your religion of materialism?
Since when materialism is a religion ?you need to understand what is religion in the first place
. It's a way of life , just like your Buddhism
That's why I say you are a moron of the highest order.
If religion were a way of life, Psalm23 wouldn't be looking forward to his glorious rapture.
By the way since when I mention that religion is a way of life ?
Oh, I forgot you are suffering from amnesia. LOL!