Sad that Singaporeans in their forties with family and children have to go through this. Who dare to have family and children like that?
Only the very rich and the very poor can have big families.
Only the very rich and the very poor can have big families.
That is why income inequality is good for economic growth. Now we just have to wait for the middle class to devolve or fuck off elsewhere.
Sad that Singaporeans in their forties with family and children have to go through this. Who dare to have family and children like that?
Sad that Singaporeans in their forties with family and children have to go through this. Who dare to have family and children like that?
How to fuck off when their children need to study? Overseas studies not cheap anywhere for non locals.
That is why must vote for CSJ!
He will Cowpeh cowbus in Parliament until we all get unemployment benefits!! We hope!! :-)
Angmos countries already have this.
Can shake lumpars and take easy slowly find your next job.
i said year they'll say................over 37,000 workers retrenched..............only 100 are FTs...........
Who did your friend vote for? :o
If you can get a PR in Canada, the kids can attend public schools for free. This includes free text books. If the parents manage to make $ they can choose to send their kids to a private school. Unlike in Spore, the parents there have the choice.
They can attend a Canadian University for free because there are many, many, ... scholarships available to Canadians. You'd be surprised by the requirements e.g. females who are christians, guys who can play football, ..etc While I was talking to a Korean cleaning lady at a hotel she proudly told me how her son got a scholarship to study music in the US. This would never happen in Spore.
These scholarships were created by normal Canadians who had $$$ but no children. Some also did not want to leave the inheritance to their kids.
When I was there I worked part-time to earn some $ for my education. Many Canadian work during the summer breaks & while working they can network & get on job training. I knew some who got jobs as programmers at a nuclear plant. That is a useful skill to include in your resume
Not all Canadian kids are interested in going to the Uni because they can get a job without a degree. If they feel like they need a skill, it would be easier to attend a 2 year vocational institute. Don't forget that a blue collar worker can make the same or more than a white collar in Canada e.g. car mechanic, plumber,..
Only the very rich and the very poor can have big families.
If she is that good, why would the company retrench her?
My friend has two teenage children and that's already high cost in Spore and much worrying without a job.