Don't be so fucking ignorant lah. U think we don't have secret defence treaties with neighbouring countries? Why was Old Fart the Godfather of the Sultan of Brunei? Why the SUltan of Brunei visited Singapore to see Old Fart before he died? Why would a small country like Brunei allow so much SAF presence in its own country? Why did the Brunei Air Force not bother to operate fast jets anymore? U better believe if Brunei got attacked for its oil and gas, the SAF will be tasked to protect them. Sinkies son will be send to fight and die for a filthy rich muslim sultan so that he can stay in power.
And I haven't even mentioned the other secret defence agreements and arrangements we have with the US, Israel, UK, etc. Did you know at one time, the UK stored nuclear weapons on Singapore soil? If the full scope of these defence agreements come to light, you think sinkie mothers and fathers still very proud for their sons to serve NS?