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Jewel Changi airport is looking like a ghost town.....



Jewel Changi Airport

9h ·
Lace up your shoes, we are jumping our way to Paris!
Challenge yourself on our Bouncing Net and the last one standing will win TWO tickets to Paris! Tag your energiser bunny friends who can bounce all day long! The first and second runners up can also win Jewel Gift Vouchers of up to $1,000 too!
Date: 27 July 2024, Saturday
Sign up today! https://bit.Iy/jewelbouncingnetchallenge

#JewelChangiAirport #JewelsBestBouncer #WhatAFeelin5 #PlayAtJewel




Jewel Changi Airport

Just like games, you have got to train and get some experience before the final quest! Come visit the Bouncing Net before the big day on 27 July, Saturday.
Stand a chance to win a pair of tickets to Paris when you compete in our Bouncing Net Challenge! The first and second runners up can also win Jewel Gift Vouchers of up to $1,000 too!
Sign up today! https://bit.Iy/jewelbouncingnetchallenge

#JewelChangiAirport #JewelsBestBouncer #WhatAFeelin5 #PlayAtJewel
