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Serious Japan's and Taiwan's COMBINED Armed Forces are STRONGER than the PRC's, according to the Swiss bank, Credit Suisse! haha

Do you AGREE with Credit Suisse?

  • Total voters


There will be no usable bases for USA airforce in Japan or Guam within the first 10 minutes of the war.
First Strike: China's Missile Threat to U.S. Bases in Asia
A Missile 'Pearl Harbor': How China Could Win a War Against America?
Missile Strikes on U.S. Bases in Asia: Is This China's Real Threat to America?
Those bases will all be hit and cratered by DFs with conventional warheads so planes cannot take off.
Naval assets and head quarters will all be hit and sunk and taken out of play.
Then Chinese cruise missiles will fly by the thousands to take out planes still stuck in those bases.
Dear @LaoTze, many thanks for bumping up my thread yesterday morning! :tongue:
May I ask, what is taking the:
so long to really launch those "pre-emptive missile strikes"? :confused:
Is it because they are still NOT willing to sacrifice their:
in order to wipe out Japan or even just Taiwan? :unsure: :wink:


Dear @LaoTze, many thanks for bumping up my thread yesterday morning! :tongue:
May I ask, what is taking the:
so long to really launch those "pre-emptive missile strikes"? :confused:
Is it because they are still NOT willing to sacrifice their:
in order to wipe out Japan or even just Taiwan? :unsure: :wink:

What the fuck for?
China do not need to launch any pre emptive strikes.

But if war is started to China, China will end that war.
And if USA dare to use even just one nuke,

USA and all her bases including Stinkapore will become lakes and seas of glowing green and multicolored glass.
All USA carriers will be taken out even if carriers hide in Frisco Bay or Atlantic Ocean.

What the big fuck do you think Japan and Taiwan is in that context?
And China know Taiwan is already hers. So why bomb your own self?
China will be happy to end the existence of Japan for Nanjing massacre and Unit 731.
And Japan knows that too.

China might well be the only country with immediately usable thermo nukes as Chinese nukes are build to Yu Min configuration that required very little maintenance.
USA UK Russian nukes built to Teller Ulam configuration which required intensive maintenance.

and dream on if you think China got 200++ nukes.
And that the 2000+++ warheads on DF5Bs DF5Cs DF41s and ALCMs deliver dim sum and wulung tea bags and chinese chess sets , express delivery.

You go brush up on your knowledge what the fuck how advance China military technology is and what China can really do .

And remember that China in WW2 with single shot bolt rifles and 5 bullets to a rifle were the best armed half of the force. And with swords and bare bodies with explosive strapped to them took on and killed 3,000,000 japanese soldiers.

And USA needed no less than aircraft carriers and battleships and planes and artilleries and automatic rifles to kill 300,000 Japs in the Pacific?




"dare to die corps" http://forlornhopesui.blogspot.com/2015/08/dare-to-die-corps.html


Chinese suicide bomber putting on an explosive vest made out of Model 24 hand grenades to use in an attack on Japanese tanks.

The battle involved a Japanese plan to conquer Xuzhou, a major city in the East. However, the Japanese failed to consider the plans of generals Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi, who planned to encircle the Japanese in the town of Tai'erzhuang. The Japanese operation started on 24 March. Overconfidence led the Japanese commanders to overlook the thousands of inconspicuous "farmers" in the area, who were affiliated with Li Zongren and cut communication lines and supplies, diverted streams, and ruined rail lines. By late March, supplies and fuels were being dropped from airplanes to Japanese troops, but the quantities were insufficient.
On 29 March 1938, a small band of Japanese soldiers tunneled under Tai'erzhuang's walls in an attempt to take the city from within. They were caught by the Nationalist defenders and killed. Over the next week, both sides claimed to hold parts of the city and surrounding area, and many were killed in small arms battles.
Finally, the Japanese attacked frontally, failing to consider the greater Chinese numbers. A major encirclement on 6 April, with Chinese reinforcements, preceded a major Japanese defeat and retreat, which the Chinese failed to capitalize upon fully through pursuit due to a lack of mobility.
The Chinese captured 719 Japanese soldiers and large quantities of military supplies, including 31 pieces of artillery, 11 armored cars, 8 armored fighting vehicles, 1,000 machine guns and 10,000 rifles.
A "dare to die corps" was effectively used against Japanese units.
Chinese suicide bomber putting on an explosive vest made out of Model 24 hand grenades to use in an attack on Japanese tanks
Due to lack of anti-armor weaponry, Suicide bombing was also used against the Japanese. Chinese troops strapped explosives like grenade packs or dynamite to their bodies and threw themselves under Japanese tanks to blow them up. Dynamite and grenades were strapped on by Chinese troops who rushed at Japanese tanks and blew themselves up. During one incident at Taierzhuang, Chinese suicide bombers obliterated four Japanese tanks with grenade bundles.
Amid the celebrations of the victory in Hankow and other Chinese cities, Japan tried to deny and ridiculed the reports of the battle for days. It was reported in the world's newspapers, however, and by mid-April had provoked a Cabinet crisis in Tokyo.
The Chinese scored a major victory, the first of the Nationalist alliance in the war. The battle broke the myth of Japanese military invincibility and resulted in an incalculable benefit to Chinese morale.

Japanese learned kamikaze attacks from what the Chinese did to them in China.

And now China weapons are more powerful and reach further and more accurate than that of USA AND ALL HER ALLIES RUNNING DOGS.

And China got much more of those weapons than USA hope to have

China will make USA soldiers and allies of USA soldiers die for their country in great numbers

Japan is a pimple on a langjeow.

Emoji Laugh GIF - Emoji Laugh Laughing - Discover & Share GIFs

Laughing Emoji GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY


But if war is started to China, China will end that war.
And if USA dare to use even just one nuke, USA and all her bases including Stinkapore will become lakes and seas of glowing green and multicolored glass.
All USA carriers will be taken out even if carriers hide in Frisco Bay or Atlantic Ocean.
Dear @LaoTze, many thanks again for bumping up my thread again yesterday afternoon! :tongue:
But seriously, may I ask you again, if an all-out war were to really happen between the PRC and the USA (which would probably involve Japan and Taiwan) during the next ten years (i.e. the 2020s), regardless of who draws first blood, and let's say that your beloved PRC manages to wipe out the entire:
before any of them can even touch anything or anyone on Mainland China, are you implying that you are 100% sure that the PRC will manage to CONTINUE PREVENTING reinforcements from mainland USA from attacking:
or if you're not 100% sure, may I ask you, how sure are you? :wink:
96% or 69% or 6.9%? :unsure:


Alfrescian (Inf)
It is truth that Chinese soldiers were only armed by a lousy rifle that effective range was only 200m. 漢陽造was the mainstay rifle of the Chinese armies. But to claim 3m Japanese deaths is a little bit too much. Due to the low killing power of both the Chinese rifle and the captured jap 三八大蓋,the official accepted figure for jap losses in the China theatre was estimated at 700k for the 8 years campaign.


Alfrescian (Inf)
China will be happy to end the existence of Japan for Nanjing massacre and Unit 731.
And Japan knows that too.

On the contrary, during the Sino-Japanese War, Mao Zedong concentrated his efforts on conspiring with the Japanese army to weaken the KMT forces. He planted communist spies such as Pan Hannian in the Japanese Foreign Ministry’s local agency Maison Iwai and sold KMT military intelligence obtained from the National Government in Chongqing through the KMT-CPC Cooperation to the Japanese at a high price, creating an environment in which it was easy for the Japanese military to deal blows to the KMT forces.

And that is not all.

Mao Zedong sent Communist spies to make direct contact with the Japanese army, even going as far as to propose a truce between the CPC forces and the Japanese army.



Alfrescian (Inf)
It is truth that Chinese soldiers were only armed by a lousy rifle that effective range was only 200m. 漢陽造was the mainstay rifle of the Chinese armies. But to claim 3m Japanese deaths is a little bit too much. Due to the low killing power of both the Chinese rifle and the captured jap 三八大蓋,the official accepted figure for jap losses in the China theatre was estimated at 700k for the 8 years campaign.

the Chinese struggled against the Japanese mainly because of the lack of artillery. the Japanese had plenty of artillery power and they simply blasted the Chinese to death before they had a chance to fight back. the KMT can’t manufacture adequate artillery and shells, and the CCP can’t manufacture them at all. artillery was the decisive factor in the 2nd Sino-Japanese war and the subsequent Chinese civil war. the KMT was defeated by the Japanese vastly superior artillery power and then the CCP unexpected strong artillery strength ( given by the Soviets ).

Chinese to Japanese soldiers deaths in battles were usually 3-5 to 1. the ROC official losses were 3.2 millions. so the Japanese official losses 700K seemed quite right.


It is truth that Chinese soldiers were only armed by a lousy rifle that effective range was only 200m. 漢陽造was the mainstay rifle of the Chinese armies. But to claim 3m Japanese deaths is a little bit too much. Due to the low killing power of both the Chinese rifle and the captured jap 三八大蓋,the official accepted figure for jap losses in the China theatre was estimated at 700k for the 8 years campaign.

the Chinese struggled against the Japanese mainly because of the lack of artillery. the Japanese had plenty of artillery power and they simply blasted the Chinese to death before they had a chance to fight back. the KMT can’t manufacture adequate artillery and shells, and the CCP can’t manufacture them at all. artillery was the decisive factor in the 2nd Sino-Japanese war and the subsequent Chinese civil war. the KMT was defeated by the Japanese vastly superior artillery power and then the CCP unexpected strong artillery strength ( given by the Soviets ).

Chinese to Japanese soldiers deaths in battles were usually 3-5 to 1. the ROC official losses were 3.2 millions. so the Japanese official losses 700K seemed quite right.

Go brush up your knowledge.
Unlike you two shooting off from the hips, I tend to do a bit more of research before I write.
Do try to write more wisely and meaningfully in future.

Go find out if US forces taken out 300,000 ++ Jap soldiers in Pacific War.
Deaths of millions of Japs in fire bombing
of Tokyo and cities in Japan cannot be counted.

Or you brave enough to go and rewrite that wikipedia entry?

3,000,000 – 5,000,000 military casualties after July 1937 (excluding Manchuria and Burma campaign)[d]

Including casualties of Japanese puppet forces. The combined toll is most likely around 3,500,000: 2.5 million Japanese, per their own records, and 1,000,000 collaborators.
Last edited:


Dear @LaoTze, many thanks again for bumping up my thread again yesterday afternoon! :tongue:
But seriously, may I ask you again, if an all-out war were to really happen between the PRC and the USA (which would probably involve Japan and Taiwan) during the next ten years (i.e. the 2020s), regardless of who draws first blood, and let's say that your beloved PRC manages to wipe out the entire:
before any of them can even touch anything or anyone on Mainland China, are you implying that you are 100% sure that the PRC will manage to CONTINUE PREVENTING reinforcements from mainland USA from attacking:
or if you're not 100% sure, may I ask you, how sure are you? :wink:
96% or 69% or 6.9%? :unsure:

I be very sure of one thing
No one will give a flying fuck or care who started the war or why the war started.

Tardigrades will live well and happy in the new world where even cockcroaches and rats may not be alive.



That war will not need ten years.
That war will be over in ten hours or less

Those that are lucky will be those gone in the first few micro seconds
Those unlucky will still be alive a year later. And they all wished they gone in the first few seconds.

Emoji Laugh GIF - Emoji Laugh Laughing - Discover & Share GIFs
Last edited:



In just 2 years , 2012 to 2014, China build up much better naval power than Japan ever had at that point.
And at that, China was just warming up and build up even more naval ships and power.

Fucking Japan is a tiny wart on a langjeow compared to China then , and even smaller wart on a wart on a langjeow now.
You talk as if Japan is far more powerderful than USA.
And China more than ready and able to thrash USA navy into fucking pulp.
What the fuck is Japan compared to USA?

Note the DF100s antiship missiles . Revealed only in Oct 2019. Mach 5 and range of 1000 km.




China got 3000++ of Mach 3s YJ-12 and YJ18 to throw against the 11 carriers USA want to bring to their self declared FONOP.
Or at least 300++ Mach 3s on each carrier group.
Assuming only 20 % of those will hit. So be assured that at least 10 missiles will hit the carrier and not just 1 missile.
And not just the warhead, there will be 2–3 tons of missiles coming behind the warhead at Mach 3 tearing into the bulkheads and ordnance and aviation fuel and the poor men and women in the carrier. Those 2–3 tons of missile body will be tearing in the bulkheads faster and more deadly then APFSDS. Andf carrying its own unburned fuel to add to the fun.
Even steel will burn when hit with hell fire and tons of steel and debris coming in at Mach 3. The aviation fuel, and paint on walls, the bombs and ordnance will all cook off and add to the huge huge fire inside the carrier. Regardless if carrier under Condition Zebra or Donkey or Jackass.
The brave sailors in those carriers will not care or worry and be happy that their carrier not sinking. And only burning and burning from one end to the other end.



Remember in just ten minutes, China missiles will destroy all the fucking airbases and naval bases in Japan and Guam. And in the next 30 minutes, Chinee cruise missiles by the thousands will take out whatever the fuck the missiles left in Japan.

Whether the mosquito is female or male will also be known.
Your stealth F35s or B1s B2s got smaller radar profile than a mosquito?
China Using Radar To Combat Mosquitoes
China is using military technology to wage war ... on mosquitoes
USA or Israeli got any systems able to do that?
Thank you USA for enforcing ban on China in purchasing that from Israel or other countries.
Forcing China to do it all on its own and leaving you either far behind or far far behind.
**And Chinese air weaponary. To splash the air tankers and AWACs and JSTAR USA rely on to direct the fight in the air. And the Stealth planes of USA.**
How China's Clever New Missile Could Cripple American Air Power
China's Mach 6 Monster Air-to-Air Missile Could Make the U.S. Air Force Come in for a ‘Crash Landing’
This is what USA Airforce Secretary got to say in 2018
Air Force secretary: China, Russia could shoot down new JSTARS on day one of a war
There will be no usable bases for USA airforce in Japan or Guam within the first 10 minutes of the war.
First Strike: China's Missile Threat to U.S. Bases in Asia
A Missile 'Pearl Harbor': How China Could Win a War Against America?
Missile Strikes on U.S. Bases in Asia: Is This China's Real Threat to America?
Those bases will all be hit and cratered by DFs with conventional warheads so planes cannot take off.
Go into above to see photos of strikes made by Chinese on model setups in the Western desert of China that represent hardened bunkers for planes and runways and dock settings with models of Burkes and Ticos and the bases HQs to see the pin point targetting of the DFs.







Naval assets and head quarters will all be hit and sunk and taken out of play.
Then Chinese cruise missiles will fly by the thousands to take out planes still stuck in those bases.
As for shooting war at the sea. And forgetting for time being the DF-21Ds and DF-26Bs and CM-401s that China have and figment of imagination in heads of USA Admirals.
Just on AShMs.
Xi Jinping's Rocket Force is nullifying U.S. military primacy in Asia

And Japan knows China will take final revenge for Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731.

And read this too

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system casts shadow over Taiwan Strait
  • The ‘mystery’ hardware that appeared without a name at the National Day parade in October is the PLA’s most powerful MLRS ever, experts say
  • System capable of firing eight 370mm rockets 350km or two 750mm ballistic missiles 500km

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km. Photo: Handout

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km. Photo: Handout

The multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) that made its public debut at China’s
National Day parade
on October 1 has been identified as a state-of-the-art piece of weaponry capable of firing both rockets and ballistic missiles, according to a leading military magazine.
A report in the latest issue of Modern Ships also gave the new hardware a name – the Type PCL191 – saying it was a modular launcher based on the AR3 system developed by China for the export market.
Unlike other weapon systems on display in Beijing, which had their names emblazoned along their sides, the Type PCL191 rumbled through the streets of Beijing on the back of heavy-duty trucks with almost complete anonymity.

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syed putra

Before xi jinping it was all peaceful.
Uighyrs were left by themselves, no South china sea problems, Muslims were allowed to fast, ( no mean feat as during summer it could be 18 hours long and above arctic circle, muslims cannot eat for the whole month as sun never sets)


Alfrescian (Inf)
In just 2 years , 2012 to 2014, China build up much better naval power than Japan ever had at that point.
And at that, China was just warming up and build up even more naval ships and power.

Fucking Japan is a tiny wart on a langjeow compared to China then , and even smaller wart on a wart on a langjeow now.
You talk as if Japan is far more powerderful than USA.
And China more than ready and able to thrash USA navy into fucking pulp.
What the fuck is Japan compared to USA?

Note the DF100s antiship missiles . Revealed only in Oct 2019. Mach 5 and range of 1000 km.




China got 3000++ of Mach 3s YJ-12 and YJ18 to throw against the 11 carriers USA want to bring to their self declared FONOP.
Or at least 300++ Mach 3s on each carrier group.
Assuming only 20 % of those will hit. So be assured that at least 10 missiles will hit the carrier and not just 1 missile.
And not just the warhead, there will be 2–3 tons of missiles coming behind the warhead at Mach 3 tearing into the bulkheads and ordnance and aviation fuel and the poor men and women in the carrier. Those 2–3 tons of missile body will be tearing in the bulkheads faster and more deadly then APFSDS. Andf carrying its own unburned fuel to add to the fun.
Even steel will burn when hit with hell fire and tons of steel and debris coming in at Mach 3. The aviation fuel, and paint on walls, the bombs and ordnance will all cook off and add to the huge huge fire inside the carrier. Regardless if carrier under Condition Zebra or Donkey or Jackass.
The brave sailors in those carriers will not care or worry and be happy that their carrier not sinking. And only burning and burning from one end to the other end.



Remember in just ten minutes, China missiles will destroy all the fucking airbases and naval bases in Japan and Guam. And in the next 30 minutes, Chinee cruise missiles by the thousands will take out whatever the fuck the missiles left in Japan.

Whether the mosquito is female or male will also be known.
Your stealth F35s or B1s B2s got smaller radar profile than a mosquito?
China Using Radar To Combat Mosquitoes
China is using military technology to wage war ... on mosquitoes
USA or Israeli got any systems able to do that?
Thank you USA for enforcing ban on China in purchasing that from Israel or other countries.
Forcing China to do it all on its own and leaving you either far behind or far far behind.
**And Chinese air weaponary. To splash the air tankers and AWACs and JSTAR USA rely on to direct the fight in the air. And the Stealth planes of USA.**
How China's Clever New Missile Could Cripple American Air Power
China's Mach 6 Monster Air-to-Air Missile Could Make the U.S. Air Force Come in for a ‘Crash Landing’
This is what USA Airforce Secretary got to say in 2018
Air Force secretary: China, Russia could shoot down new JSTARS on day one of a war
There will be no usable bases for USA airforce in Japan or Guam within the first 10 minutes of the war.
First Strike: China's Missile Threat to U.S. Bases in Asia
A Missile 'Pearl Harbor': How China Could Win a War Against America?
Missile Strikes on U.S. Bases in Asia: Is This China's Real Threat to America?
Those bases will all be hit and cratered by DFs with conventional warheads so planes cannot take off.
Go into above to see photos of strikes made by Chinese on model setups in the Western desert of China that represent hardened bunkers for planes and runways and dock settings with models of Burkes and Ticos and the bases HQs to see the pin point targetting of the DFs.







Naval assets and head quarters will all be hit and sunk and taken out of play.
Then Chinese cruise missiles will fly by the thousands to take out planes still stuck in those bases.
As for shooting war at the sea. And forgetting for time being the DF-21Ds and DF-26Bs and CM-401s that China have and figment of imagination in heads of USA Admirals.
Just on AShMs.
Xi Jinping's Rocket Force is nullifying U.S. military primacy in Asia

And Japan knows China will take final revenge for Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731.

And read this too

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system casts shadow over Taiwan Strait
  • The ‘mystery’ hardware that appeared without a name at the National Day parade in October is the PLA’s most powerful MLRS ever, experts say
  • System capable of firing eight 370mm rockets 350km or two 750mm ballistic missiles 500km

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km. Photo: Handout

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km. Photo: Handout

The multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) that made its public debut at China’s
National Day parade
on October 1 has been identified as a state-of-the-art piece of weaponry capable of firing both rockets and ballistic missiles, according to a leading military magazine.
A report in the latest issue of Modern Ships also gave the new hardware a name – the Type PCL191 – saying it was a modular launcher based on the AR3 system developed by China for the export market.
Unlike other weapon systems on display in Beijing, which had their names emblazoned along their sides, the Type PCL191 rumbled through the streets of Beijing on the back of heavy-duty trucks with almost complete anonymity.

quality over quantity. prc still believes quantity triumphs over quality at her own pride and peril.


quality over quantity. prc still believes quantity triumphs over quality at her own pride and peril.

China is quality first.
And on top of that, China got a lot more as well


Germany manufactured only 5,966 tanks, as compared to 29,497 for the US, 7,476 for Britain, and an estimated 20,000 for the Soviet Union. And the results shown many many more will take out the best and the few.
In China now, not only the key assets got better reach and more bang then USA, China got more of them than USA.
Report: China has some of world’s most advanced weapons, remains ‘long way’ from US military
China’s been showing off a lot of new powerful weapons, and experts think they’re sending a message
Some Chinese military tech surpasses US, Pentagon admits
**Let us start with MRLS.**
Now China is as good if not better than Russians in rocket artillery.
Top 10 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (Top 10 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems)
The PHL 03 is a Chinese artillery rocket system. It is a copy of the Soviet
Smerch (Smerch Multiple Launch Rocket System)
. It reportedly entered service with the Chinese army in 2004-2005. The PHL 03 is also being proposed for the export customers as the AR2. It has been exported to Morocco (one battalion with 36 units).
The PHL 03 has 12 tubes for 300 mm rockets. A standard rocket weights around 800 kg and has a 280 kg warhead. Maximum range of fire is 70-130 km depending on the warhead type. Though some sources report that rockets of this system has a maximum range of 150 km. Rockets are available with High Explosive Fragmentation (HE-FRAG), fuel-air explosive, and cluster warheads with anti-armor and anti-personnel submunitions. Cluster warheads may also carry self-targeting anti-tank munitions. A full salvo of this system could potentially cover an area of up to 67 hectares.
**Even though the PHL 03 is a Chinese version of the Smerch, it appears that Chinese overtook Russians in terms of rockets, as rockets of the PHL 03 have longer range than those of the Smerch. Manufacturers claim, that Chinese 300 mm rockets are not compatible with the Russian Smerch rockets as these use different propellant motors and components.**
USA is a distant third to Russia and China. Be that in rocket artillery or tube artillery.
China's PHL03, advanced Multiple Launch Rocket System (China's PHL03, advanced Multiple Launch Rocket System)
Various types of the 300 mm caliber rocket shells fired by the PHL03 are equipped with simple automatic correction system which allows more dense impact points. The impact point intensity doubles and the accuracy triples. In this way, a high kill probability with fewer rocket shells is possible.
Comparison with its peers


From the table above, it can be concluded that in terms of overall design, or in particular, the range, intensity, power, survivability and maneuverability, the PHL03 MLRS has a series of major breakthroughs compared with traditional rockets. Some of its aspects meet or even exceed the world's advanced level.
The service of the PHL03 Multiple Launch Rocket System has greatly enhanced the capability of remote fire support of the Chinese military. The operational performance of the system will continue to improve with the development of China's rocket shell technology. And it will become an indispensable remote firepower for the Chinese military.
**Chinese tube artillery**
Saudi Arabia uses Chinese NORINCO PLZ-45 self propelled howitzer for the clear advantage over that of the best of USA artillery. More accurate and longer reach than the best of USA artillery. And Saudi Arabia is USA captive country and yet refused to use USA artillery as that so inferior to China.
Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen (Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen)








Alfrescian (Inf)
China is quality first.
And on top of that, China got a lot more as well


Germany manufactured only 5,966 tanks, as compared to 29,497 for the US, 7,476 for Britain, and an estimated 20,000 for the Soviet Union. And the results shown many many more will take out the best and the few.
In China now, not only the key assets got better reach and more bang then USA, China got more of them than USA.
Report: China has some of world’s most advanced weapons, remains ‘long way’ from US military
China’s been showing off a lot of new powerful weapons, and experts think they’re sending a message
Some Chinese military tech surpasses US, Pentagon admits
**Let us start with MRLS.**
Now China is as good if not better than Russians in rocket artillery.
Top 10 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (Top 10 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems)
The PHL 03 is a Chinese artillery rocket system. It is a copy of the Soviet
Smerch (Smerch Multiple Launch Rocket System)
. It reportedly entered service with the Chinese army in 2004-2005. The PHL 03 is also being proposed for the export customers as the AR2. It has been exported to Morocco (one battalion with 36 units).
The PHL 03 has 12 tubes for 300 mm rockets. A standard rocket weights around 800 kg and has a 280 kg warhead. Maximum range of fire is 70-130 km depending on the warhead type. Though some sources report that rockets of this system has a maximum range of 150 km. Rockets are available with High Explosive Fragmentation (HE-FRAG), fuel-air explosive, and cluster warheads with anti-armor and anti-personnel submunitions. Cluster warheads may also carry self-targeting anti-tank munitions. A full salvo of this system could potentially cover an area of up to 67 hectares.
**Even though the PHL 03 is a Chinese version of the Smerch, it appears that Chinese overtook Russians in terms of rockets, as rockets of the PHL 03 have longer range than those of the Smerch. Manufacturers claim, that Chinese 300 mm rockets are not compatible with the Russian Smerch rockets as these use different propellant motors and components.**
USA is a distant third to Russia and China. Be that in rocket artillery or tube artillery.
China's PHL03, advanced Multiple Launch Rocket System (China's PHL03, advanced Multiple Launch Rocket System)
Various types of the 300 mm caliber rocket shells fired by the PHL03 are equipped with simple automatic correction system which allows more dense impact points. The impact point intensity doubles and the accuracy triples. In this way, a high kill probability with fewer rocket shells is possible.
Comparison with its peers


From the table above, it can be concluded that in terms of overall design, or in particular, the range, intensity, power, survivability and maneuverability, the PHL03 MLRS has a series of major breakthroughs compared with traditional rockets. Some of its aspects meet or even exceed the world's advanced level.
The service of the PHL03 Multiple Launch Rocket System has greatly enhanced the capability of remote fire support of the Chinese military. The operational performance of the system will continue to improve with the development of China's rocket shell technology. And it will become an indispensable remote firepower for the Chinese military.
**Chinese tube artillery**
Saudi Arabia uses Chinese NORINCO PLZ-45 self propelled howitzer for the clear advantage over that of the best of USA artillery. More accurate and longer reach than the best of USA artillery. And Saudi Arabia is USA captive country and yet refused to use USA artillery as that so inferior to China.
Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen (Saudis Use Chinese-made Cannons in Yemen)






but manned by one-child boy boys. how to last a war of attrition over 6.9 years?


but manned by one-child boy boys. how to last a war of attrition over 6.9 years?

Laughing Minion GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

Minions GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

Where the fuck you got the idea the war will last 6 to 9 years?
The only experience USA got is to fight against goat herders and sheep herders.
And last I heard USA lost in Afghan and Syria and Iraq and trying to back out of those places.

USA know fuck off against fighting someone more militarily advanced then them and with fucking more fire power then them. USA will be carrying sharp pointy knives to fight in a fucking gun fight with China holding the guns this time. And again dont talk of langjeow Japan. Unless you telling me Japan stronger than USA.

If war only conventional, the war will be finished in under a fucking week.
You think I whack you one and you whack me one?
They go all out to fuck and whack each other.
But China got much more bang and reach much much further than USA


Work on a plan to suppress China, for certain, was formulated prior to President Trump’s inauguration.

No one knows the true extent of the planning, or any details of the discussions involved. However, we can pretty much recognize that the people who helped formulate this war-suppression-strategy were…

  • Donald Trump
  • Mike Pompeo
  • John Bolton
  • Robert Lighthizer
  • Rudy Giuliani
  • Nikki Haley
  • James Woolsey
  • Frank Gaffney
  • Eliot Cohen
All of these people advocate for military intervention to accomplish United States objectives.

The only snag in their desires is military. You see, the thing is that every single simulation where the American military tries to take on China, the United States loses. Often, depending on the scenario, quite badly. They cannot ignore this fact.

So a direct military campaign was not the first choice of the “task team”.

Dont talk to me about langjeow Japan man!
Japan will be wiped out with fucking missiles within the cheebye hour.

Japan Emperor must go on bended knees to Xi Dada to beg and kowtow for forgiveness the next day

If war go nuclear, the fucking war, and the entire world will be finished in one fucking day. And not one will fucking care who won and even why the fucking war fought in first place.
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