• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Serious Japan's and Taiwan's COMBINED Armed Forces are STRONGER than the PRC's, according to the Swiss bank, Credit Suisse! haha

Do you AGREE with Credit Suisse?

  • Total voters


Before we make any more predictions, I just watched a Taiwan talk show where it was revealed John Bolton claimed Donald Trump compared Taiwan to the tip of a pen and compared China to a desk. :eek::biggrin:
Dear @jw5, for the fifteenth time, many belated thanks for bumping up my thread again nearly two weeks ago, even though you were trying to change the subject and even though in my last reply to you in this thread, I was asking you for your opinion and not your prediction, which is why I even made the effort to prevent you from misunderstanding me again by saying:
And please note that I'm not asking you to predict the actual percentage of the US military support that Taiwan will actually receive because I understand that:
It is very difficult to predict how much military support Taiwan will receive from USA. I don't think even USA, Taiwan or China can predict this. :coffee:
Anyway, nearly two weeks have passed, and you still have not answered my question, so once again:
if Taiwan were to receive:
...MAXIMUM military support from the US,
would you:
1. still consider the war to be "between Taiwan and China" and not "between US and China";
2. and, more importantly, still predict that the PLA will successfully invade Taiwan if, because of whatever reason, the PLA were to finally decide/dare to try to invade it? :confused:
Or in other words, in your opinion, what is the minimum percentage (such as a simple majority of 51%? :unsure: ) of the full strength (i.e. personnel, weapons, warships, aircraft, drones, etc.) of the:
that Taiwan must receive, in order for you to:
1. finally consider the war to be "between US and China" (and not just "between Taiwan and China"), which would, therefore, result in:
...a good fight with the USA winning but incurring great losses. :frown:
2. and also, finally predict that the PLA will fail to invade Taiwan if, because of whatever reason, the PLA were to finally decide/dare to try to invade it? :wink:

In my opinion, if at least roughly one-quarter of the US Armed Forces were to be deployed, I would consider the war to be "between US and China" (and not just "between Taiwan and China"), just like the:
during the first half of the 1940s was not just between China and Japan, but also between the US and Japan, right? :wink:
Or if you prefer to answer a "yes or no" question (instead of posting your own "minimum percentage"), then I'll ask my question in a slightly different way:

Would you agree with me that IF at least roughly one-quarter of the full strength (i.e. personnel, weapons, warships, aircraft, drones, etc.) of the:
were to be deployed to support Taiwan, then the war would be "between US and China"? :unsure:
If one-quarter is not enough, then is a simple majority of 51% enough? :o-o:
If a simple majority of 51% is not enough, then is a supermajority of 69% enough? :eek:

You were willing to say:
Even if Taiwan were to receive some military support from USA, I would still consider the war to be between Taiwan and China. :wink:
but you did not say how much is "some", nor did you say that even if a simple majority of 51% of the entire US Armed Forces were to be deployed to support Taiwan, you also "would still consider the war to be between Taiwan and China" and not "between US and China"; so I think it should be safe for me to assume that you're implying that you do have your own threshold, beyond which you would finally consider the war to be "between US and China" (and not just "between Taiwan and China"), which would, therefore, result in:
...a good fight with the USA winning but incurring great losses. :frown:
right? :wink:

By the way, you said that you "watched a Taiwan talk show"; so may I ask, did you watch it on TV? :unsure:
If yes, does that mean that you're living in Taiwan? :eek: :tongue:
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Couple Of Answers:

1. I watched the Taiwan talk show on SG cable tv. :coffee:

2. I would consider the war between USA and China, if USA deployed 51% of their forces. :cool:

Dear @jw5, for the fifteenth time, many belated thanks for bumping up my thread again nearly two weeks ago, even though you were trying to change the subject and even though in my last reply to you in this thread, I was asking you for your opinion and not your prediction, which is why I even made the effort to prevent you from misunderstanding me again by saying:

Anyway, nearly two weeks have passed, and you still have not answered my question, so once again:

Or if you prefer to answer a "yes or no" question (instead of posting your own "minimum percentage"), then I'll ask my question in a slightly different way:

Would you agree with me that IF at least roughly one-quarter of the full strength (i.e. personnel, weapons, warships, aircraft, drones, etc.) of the:
were to be deployed to support Taiwan, then the war would be "between US and China"? :unsure:
If one-quarter is not enough, then is a simple majority of 51% enough? :o-o:
If a simple majority of 51% is not enough, then is a supermajority of 69% enough? :eek:

You were willing to say:

but you did not say how much is "some", nor did you say that even if a simple majority of 51% of the entire US Armed Forces were to be deployed to support Taiwan, you also "would still consider the war to be between Taiwan and China" and not "between US and China"; so I think it should be safe for me to assume that you're implying that you do have your own threshold, beyond which you would finally consider the war to be "between US and China" (and not just "between Taiwan and China"), which would, therefore, result in:

right? :wink:

By the way, you said that you "watched a Taiwan talk show"; so may I ask, did you watch it on TV? :unsure:
If yes, does that mean that you're living in Taiwan? :eek: :tongue:


As far as Japan's involvement in Taiwan, Japan cant overtly militarize because of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. Its ironic that after WWII a set cap was placed on military expenditure to prevent rearming Japan but as its economy grew, its budget skyrocketed. Recent reforms have helped turn the SDF into a formidable force- just look at what they DO have - the Mitsubishi X-2 for example. But its for "defense"
Dear @Peiweh-sama, in my opinion, the most important reform was:
since roughly four years ago, because of the:
has been allowed to "participate in foreign conflicts, overturning its previous policy of fighting only in self-defense. Since the Japanese constitution only allows the Japanese military to act in self-defense, the legislation reinterpreted the relevant passages to allow the military to operate overseas for "collective self-defense" for allies. The legislation came into effect on 29 March 2016."
Also, according to:

"In July 2014, instead of using Article 96 of the Japanese Constitution to amend the Constitution itself, the Japanese government approved a reinterpretation which gave more powers to the Japan Self-Defense Forces, allowing them to defend other allies in case of war being declared upon them, despite concerns and disapproval from China, South Korea and North Korea, whereas the United States supported the move."

"In September 2015, the Japanese National Diet made the reinterpretation official by enacting a series of laws allowing the Japan Self-Defense Forces to provide material support to allies engaged in combat internationally. The stated justification was that failing to defend or support an ally would weaken alliances and endanger Japan."

"This reinterpretation would allow Japan to exercise the right of "collective self defense" in some instances and to engage in military action if one of its allies were to be attacked."

"International reaction to this move was mixed. China expressed a negative view of this reinterpretation, while the US, Philippines, Vietnam, and Indonesia reacted positively."

In other words, unlike the:
during the period from the late 19th century to the mid-1940s, the JSDF will wait for the PLA to draw "first blood" against Taiwan before counterattacking Mainland China!
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Dear @glockman, many belated thanks for posting that interesting YouTube video!

The YouTube channel, "Defense Updates", that it comes from:
also has hundreds of other interesting videos, such as:

Here's another interesting video from the above YouTube channel:

Here's another interesting video from the above YouTube channel:



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Bogus rank. any such rank and points are supposed to be bogus.
And they are not additive.

You can't add 200 tanks and 100 fighter jets to get 300 tighter jets.

No such thing.

You can't add two heads and fifteen pairs of limbs together to get a double-human or fifteen-times-human.


Even if Japan is able to stay out of it, the Americans have the Taiwan Relations Act and recent bills are being introduced in Congress to ensure the defense of Taiwan.
Dear @Peiweh-sama, nearly two months ago, I posted the following:
Furthermore, during the past two or three years, there seems to be bipartisan support in the USA for the:
wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan_Allies_International_Protection_and_Enhancement_Initiative_Act ("TAIPEI Act")
so if the Republicans and Donald Trump win the US elections later this year (in November), then in my opinion, the chance of Taiwan "formally" becoming an "independent" country would significantly increase, even though in reality, Taiwan has been, in my opinion again, a de facto:
of Japan from 1895 to 1945 and of the USA since 1945, similar to Singapore since 1965! :wink:


Dear @Peiweh-sama, nearly two months ago, I posted the following:
Maybe there is new bill in US Congress to prevent PRC from threatening Taiwan


Last Updated: 20th July, 2020 13:15 IST'Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act' To Be Introduced To US Congress This Week
Bill allowing US to use military force against China if the latter attempts an armed invasion in Taiwan would be introduced in the US Congress this week.
Written By
Aanchal Nigam
facebook twitter
Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act

Reaffirming its stance to oppose China’s developments in Taiwan, a bill allowing Washington to use military force against Beijing if the Asian superpower attempts an armed invasion in Taiwan would be introduced in the US House of Representatives this week. According to the comments made by Republican Congressman Ted Yoho in a televised interview with an international media outlet, a bill called ‘Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act’ will be introduced that according to him is going lay America’s ‘clear intent’. Yoho said that “if China invades Taiwan, and it’ll be a sunset for five years, that Authorization for Use of Military Force, that would authorise the president to use force”.
In an interview with the Fox News, the Republican Congressman also noted that the current agreement between the United States and Taiwan allows the former to sell ‘enough weapons’ to the latter for self-defence. Yoho said that when Chinese President Xi Jinping announced, he’s “ready to draw blood over Taiwan and reunify them, they forgot to ask Taiwan”. The US lawmaker insisted that Taiwan has “never” been a part of the People’s Republic of China and “nor do they want to”.
Meanwhile, in an operation including fighter jets, warships and 8,000 servicemen, Taiwan successfully conducted a five-day drill in which they repelled a simulated coastal assault. The recent military drill was a part of Taiwan’s largest annual live-fire exercise and comes at a time when China is beginning to exert more military pressure to gain authority of the tiny island. The military exercise had begun on July 13 and was observed by Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen. In a tweet later, she said that the exercise demonstrated Taiwan’s robust military capabilities and its strong determination to resist China.


Maybe there is new bill in US Congress to prevent PRC from threatening Taiwan
Last Updated: 20th July, 2020 13:15 IST
'Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act' To Be Introduced To US Congress This Week
Bill allowing US to use military force against China if the latter attempts an armed invasion in Taiwan would be introduced in the US Congress this week.
Dear @Peiweh-sama, many thanks for replying again!

Here's a similar news article from probably the most popular Taiwanese English-language news website:





  • Taiwan News - Wikipedia.png
    Taiwan News - Wikipedia.png
    36.2 KB · Views: 321
  • House to introduce Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act this week Taiwan News.png
    House to introduce Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act this week Taiwan News.png
    445.1 KB · Views: 278
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So now there are bills introduced in Congress - Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act and the Taipei Act. Fret not, China no match for Amazing America and her glory.

View attachment 87572
Dear @Peiweh-sama, many thanks again for your words of encouragement!

The not-so-amazing:
will also try their best to defend/support Taiwan with:
in the:







  • Third Taiwan Strait Crisis.png
    Third Taiwan Strait Crisis.png
    608.5 KB · Views: 233
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In just 2 years , 2012 to 2014, China build up much better naval power than Japan ever had at that point.
And at that, China was just warming up and build up even more naval ships and power.

Fucking Japan is a tiny wart on a langjeow compared to China then , and even smaller wart on a wart on a langjeow now.
You talk as if Japan is far more powerderful than USA.
And China more than ready and able to thrash USA navy into fucking pulp.
What the fuck is Japan compared to USA?

Note the DF100s antiship missiles . Revealed only in Oct 2019. Mach 5 and range of 1000 km.




China got 3000++ of Mach 3s YJ-12 and YJ18 to throw against the 11 carriers USA want to bring to their self declared FONOP.
Or at least 300++ Mach 3s on each carrier group.
Assuming only 20 % of those will hit. So be assured that at least 10 missiles will hit the carrier and not just 1 missile.
And not just the warhead, there will be 2–3 tons of missiles coming behind the warhead at Mach 3 tearing into the bulkheads and ordnance and aviation fuel and the poor men and women in the carrier. Those 2–3 tons of missile body will be tearing in the bulkheads faster and more deadly then APFSDS. Andf carrying its own unburned fuel to add to the fun.
Even steel will burn when hit with hell fire and tons of steel and debris coming in at Mach 3. The aviation fuel, and paint on walls, the bombs and ordnance will all cook off and add to the huge huge fire inside the carrier. Regardless if carrier under Condition Zebra or Donkey or Jackass.
The brave sailors in those carriers will not care or worry and be happy that their carrier not sinking. And only burning and burning from one end to the other end.



Remember in just ten minutes, China missiles will destroy all the fucking airbases and naval bases in Japan and Guam. And in the next 30 minutes, Chinee cruise missiles by the thousands will take out whatever the fuck the missiles left in Japan.

Whether the mosquito is female or male will also be known.
Your stealth F35s or B1s B2s got smaller radar profile than a mosquito?
China Using Radar To Combat Mosquitoes
China is using military technology to wage war ... on mosquitoes
USA or Israeli got any systems able to do that?
Thank you USA for enforcing ban on China in purchasing that from Israel or other countries.
Forcing China to do it all on its own and leaving you either far behind or far far behind.
**And Chinese air weaponary. To splash the air tankers and AWACs and JSTAR USA rely on to direct the fight in the air. And the Stealth planes of USA.**
How China's Clever New Missile Could Cripple American Air Power
China's Mach 6 Monster Air-to-Air Missile Could Make the U.S. Air Force Come in for a ‘Crash Landing’
This is what USA Airforce Secretary got to say in 2018
Air Force secretary: China, Russia could shoot down new JSTARS on day one of a war
There will be no usable bases for USA airforce in Japan or Guam within the first 10 minutes of the war.
First Strike: China's Missile Threat to U.S. Bases in Asia
A Missile 'Pearl Harbor': How China Could Win a War Against America?
Missile Strikes on U.S. Bases in Asia: Is This China's Real Threat to America?
Those bases will all be hit and cratered by DFs with conventional warheads so planes cannot take off.
Go into above to see photos of strikes made by Chinese on model setups in the Western desert of China that represent hardened bunkers for planes and runways and dock settings with models of Burkes and Ticos and the bases HQs to see the pin point targetting of the DFs.







Naval assets and head quarters will all be hit and sunk and taken out of play.
Then Chinese cruise missiles will fly by the thousands to take out planes still stuck in those bases.
As for shooting war at the sea. And forgetting for time being the DF-21Ds and DF-26Bs and CM-401s that China have and figment of imagination in heads of USA Admirals.
Just on AShMs.
Xi Jinping's Rocket Force is nullifying U.S. military primacy in Asia

And Japan knows China will take final revenge for Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731.

And read this too

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system casts shadow over Taiwan Strait
  • The ‘mystery’ hardware that appeared without a name at the National Day parade in October is the PLA’s most powerful MLRS ever, experts say
  • System capable of firing eight 370mm rockets 350km or two 750mm ballistic missiles 500km

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km. Photo: Handout

China’s new PCL191 multiple launch rocket system is capable of firing ballistic missiles up to 500km. Photo: Handout

The multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) that made its public debut at China’s
National Day parade
on October 1 has been identified as a state-of-the-art piece of weaponry capable of firing both rockets and ballistic missiles, according to a leading military magazine.
A report in the latest issue of Modern Ships also gave the new hardware a name – the Type PCL191 – saying it was a modular launcher based on the AR3 system developed by China for the export market.
Unlike other weapon systems on display in Beijing, which had their names emblazoned along their sides, the Type PCL191 rumbled through the streets of Beijing on the back of heavy-duty trucks with almost complete anonymity.

Flawed Logic. US of A posses advanced SM-6 Missile to shoot down all DF-XX Missile



China Spy inside of US of A Company to steal all US Military Secret. China afraid of US SM-6 Missile from Raytheon Technologies Corporation. China spy now hunted by US of A FBI and CIA.


Raytheon engineer arrested for taking US missile defense secrets to China
February 1, 2020

When Wei Sun, a 48-year-old engineer at Raytheon Missile Systems, left for an overseas trip last year, he told the company he planned to bring his company-issued HP EliteBook 840 laptop along.

Sun, a Chinese-born American citizen, had been working at Raytheon, the fourth-largest US defense contractor, for a decade. He held a secret-level security clearance and worked on highly sensitive missile programs used by the US military.

Since Sun’s computer contained large amounts of restricted data, Raytheon officials told him that taking it abroad would not only be a violation of company policy, but a serious violation of federal law, as well.

Sun had access to sensitive missile defense technology.
Sun didn’t listen, according to US prosecutors. While he was out of the country, Sun connected to Raytheon’s internal network on the laptop. He sent an email suddenly announcing he was quitting his job after 10 years in order to study and work overseas.

When Sun returned to the United States a week later, he told Raytheon security officials that he had only visited Singapore and the Philippines during his travels. But inconsistent stories about his itinerary led Sun to confess that he traveled to China with the laptop.A Raytheon lawyer examined the machine, and confirmed it contained technical specifications prohibited from export by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), in addition to security software that is itself export-controlled and requires a special license to take outside the United States.

Sun was
arrested by FBI agents the next day. His attorney, Cameron Morgan, did not respond to a request for comment. Raytheon said only that the company “cooperated with this investigation,” declining to elaborate further.

Court documents reviewed by Quartz refer to Sun possessing classified files related to several different air defense systems designed by Raytheon for the US military and sold to American allies and proxies around the world.

The case, which has not been reported until now, is yet another example of China’s increasing efforts to acquire American military technology. The country’s security services have already compromised dozens of crucial US weapons systems, such as the Army’s Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) ballistic missile defense system, and the Aegis ballistic missile defense system used by the Navy. In 2018, Chinese hackers stole top-secret plans for a supersonic anti-ship missile being developed by the Navy known as Sea Dragon. The intruders reportedly managed to get massive amounts of sensitive signals and sensor data, in addition to the Navy submarine development unit’s entire electronic warfare library.

The weapons with which Sun worked are “pretty much top-of-the-line American systems,” according to Dean Cheng, a fellow at the Heritage Foundation who studies China’s military capabilities.

The AMRAAM, or Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile, is used on US fighter jets like the F-16 and F-22 to destroy other aircraft before they can be seen by anything but radar. It has also been converted into a ground-based air defense system, which may have been Sun’s focus, since prosecutors describe his work as centered on ballistic missile defense.

The documents also say Raytheon employees will provide testimony about the Stinger missile, a “man-portable” air-defense missile that can be fired by troops on the ground, made most famous when the US supplied it to Afghan warlords fighting against occupying Soviet troops.

Perhaps most significant is Sun’s involvement with the Redesigned Kill Vehicle (RKV) program, an effort to replace the interceptor used by US air defense systems to shoot down incoming ballistic missiles.

The Pentagon cancelled the program last year because of technical problems, but information about the project would still be useful to China to understand what the US might do to defend from conventional or nuclear missiles. Missile technology has become central to Beijing’s strategy to deter US power (Quartz member exclusive) in the Pacific, making up for deficiencies and a lack of experience with weapons systems like jet fighters.

China would be eager to learn how to defeat the missiles by understanding the technical details of how they find their targets with radar and other sensors, and how they respond to attempts to jam or distract them, Cheng told Quartz.

China already has its own equivalents of these weapons, so it’s not necessarily seeking to copy US technology. However, as one example, China’s advanced air-to-air missile has never been used in combat, while the AMRAAM has, so its design may offer lessons that China’s defense industrial base has yet to learn.

Cheng said this is “one piece of the larger Chinese espionage picture…we tend to focus on Chinese cyber [but] they have human intelligence, they have people trying to steal examples of it in other countries as well.”

None of the documents shed any light on Sun’s co-conspirators, if any, and it’s not clear if Sun was acting at the behest of Chinese intelligence.

“I can assume that Chinese government agencies are keeping their eye on former citizens who are working in big US companies [like Raytheon],” said Janosh Neumann, a former counterintelligence officer with Russia’s Federal Security Service who now lives in the United States.

Regardless, William Mackie, the lead prosecutor on the Sun case, said someone who brings a computer to China can do damage without directly cooperating with anyone. The files can easily be purloined by an adversarial spy service without the person’s knowledge, said Mackie, who made clear that he was speaking strictly in generalities, not about Sun.

“If your computer gets left in a hotel room, somebody could image the whole thing and you’d never know it,” Mackie told Quartz. “There’s always the risk of something like that—no different than if somebody took pictures or copies of blueprints or a paper file.”

A grand jury in Arizona last week returned a superseding indictment charging Sun with additional counts of violating ITAR. Legal filings suggest that Sun, who initially pleaded not guilty, is preparing to change his plea to guilty as part of an agreement with the Department of Justice. He is scheduled to appear in court on Feb. 14.

This article has been updated with further information about the additional charges against Sun.




Dear @Peiweh-sama, yes, that should remind the PRC of the:


Interesting. Will there be a 4th Crisis? With the UK and QUAD Alliance, I don't see how it will end well for the PRCs. The cost has risen further, its becoming suicidal for them to try anything. The UK and India were out of the picture, now they are all in........


Indian news site calls on Quad to back Taiwan in countering China
Op-ed calls on Quad countries to strengthen Taiwan to counter belligerent actions by China

By Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
2020/08/03 12:12


China Spy inside of US of A Company to steal all US Military Secret. China afraid of US SM-6 Missile from Raytheon Technologies Corporation. China spy now hunted by US of A FBI and CIA.


Raytheon engineer arrested for taking US missile defense secrets to China
February 1, 2020
When Wei Sun, a 48-year-old engineer at Raytheon Missile Systems, left for an overseas trip last year, he told the company he planned to bring his company-issued HP EliteBook 840 laptop along.
Sun, a Chinese-born American citizen, had been working at Raytheon, the fourth-largest US defense contractor, for a decade. He held a secret-level security clearance and worked on highly sensitive missile programs used by the US military.
Since Sun’s computer contained large amounts of restricted data, Raytheon officials told him that taking it abroad would not only be a violation of company policy, but a serious violation of federal law, as well.

Sun had access to sensitive missile defense technology.
Sun didn’t listen, according to US prosecutors. While he was out of the country, Sun connected to Raytheon’s internal network on the laptop. He sent an email suddenly announcing he was quitting his job after 10 years in order to study and work overseas.
When Sun returned to the United States a week later, he told Raytheon security officials that he had only visited Singapore and the Philippines during his travels. But inconsistent stories about his itinerary led Sun to confess that he traveled to China with the laptop.A Raytheon lawyer examined the machine, and confirmed it contained technical specifications prohibited from export by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), in addition to security software that is itself export-controlled and requires a special license to take outside the United States.
Sun was
arrested by FBI agents the next day. His attorney, Cameron Morgan, did not respond to a request for comment. Raytheon said only that the company “cooperated with this investigation,” declining to elaborate further.

Court documents reviewed by Quartz refer to Sun possessing classified files related to several different air defense systems designed by Raytheon for the US military and sold to American allies and proxies around the world.

The case, which has not been reported until now, is yet another example of China’s increasing efforts to acquire American military technology. The country’s security services have already compromised dozens of crucial US weapons systems, such as the Army’s Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) ballistic missile defense system, and the Aegis ballistic missile defense system used by the Navy. In 2018, Chinese hackers stole top-secret plans for a supersonic anti-ship missile being developed by the Navy known as Sea Dragon. The intruders reportedly managed to get massive amounts of sensitive signals and sensor data, in addition to the Navy submarine development unit’s entire electronic warfare library.

The weapons with which Sun worked are “pretty much top-of-the-line American systems,” according to Dean Cheng, a fellow at the Heritage Foundation who studies China’s military capabilities.

The AMRAAM, or Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile, is used on US fighter jets like the F-16 and F-22 to destroy other aircraft before they can be seen by anything but radar. It has also been converted into a ground-based air defense system, which may have been Sun’s focus, since prosecutors describe his work as centered on ballistic missile defense.

The documents also say Raytheon employees will provide testimony about the Stinger missile, a “man-portable” air-defense missile that can be fired by troops on the ground, made most famous when the US supplied it to Afghan warlords fighting against occupying Soviet troops.

Perhaps most significant is Sun’s involvement with the Redesigned Kill Vehicle (RKV) program, an effort to replace the interceptor used by US air defense systems to shoot down incoming ballistic missiles.

The Pentagon cancelled the program last year because of technical problems, but information about the project would still be useful to China to understand what the US might do to defend from conventional or nuclear missiles. Missile technology has become central to Beijing’s strategy to deter US power (Quartz member exclusive) in the Pacific, making up for deficiencies and a lack of experience with weapons systems like jet fighters.

China would be eager to learn how to defeat the missiles by understanding the technical details of how they find their targets with radar and other sensors, and how they respond to attempts to jam or distract them, Cheng told Quartz.

China already has its own equivalents of these weapons, so it’s not necessarily seeking to copy US technology. However, as one example, China’s advanced air-to-air missile has never been used in combat, while the AMRAAM has, so its design may offer lessons that China’s defense industrial base has yet to learn.

Cheng said this is “one piece of the larger Chinese espionage picture…we tend to focus on Chinese cyber [but] they have human intelligence, they have people trying to steal examples of it in other countries as well.”

None of the documents shed any light on Sun’s co-conspirators, if any, and it’s not clear if Sun was acting at the behest of Chinese intelligence.

“I can assume that Chinese government agencies are keeping their eye on former citizens who are working in big US companies [like Raytheon],” said Janosh Neumann, a former counterintelligence officer with Russia’s Federal Security Service who now lives in the United States.

Regardless, William Mackie, the lead prosecutor on the Sun case, said someone who brings a computer to China can do damage without directly cooperating with anyone. The files can easily be purloined by an adversarial spy service without the person’s knowledge, said Mackie, who made clear that he was speaking strictly in generalities, not about Sun.

“If your computer gets left in a hotel room, somebody could image the whole thing and you’d never know it,” Mackie told Quartz. “There’s always the risk of something like that—no different than if somebody took pictures or copies of blueprints or a paper file.”

A grand jury in Arizona last week returned a superseding indictment charging Sun with additional counts of violating ITAR. Legal filings suggest that Sun, who initially pleaded not guilty, is preparing to change his plea to guilty as part of an agreement with the Department of Justice. He is scheduled to appear in court on Feb. 14.

This article has been updated with further information about the additional charges against Sun.

I already posted that same article