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Serious It's Official! PM Lee Has Left Singapore! Jiuhu Kia Khaw Is Now The PM!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
SINGAPORE — Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will be on overseas leave from Tuesday (Dec 19) till New Year’s Eve, said the Prime Minister’s Office in a statement.

During his absence, Minister for Transport and Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure Khaw Boon Wan will be the Acting Prime Minister till Christmas Day.

Deputy Prime Minister and Co-ordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean will serve as Acting Prime Minister from Dec 26 to 31.

Last year this time, Mr Lee also took a vacation, from Dec 22 to 31. He travelled to Japan, visiting places such as Nagano and Niigata.



Last time he went on holiday to Australia...the 38OR fiasco came about.

Now all of us wait in excitement and anticipation.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Maybe KBW will attempt a coup. Perhaps he'd roll his trains and buses into town to occupy major junctions.


Lanjiao! Christmas Day he off! As PM he should offer to take the day and volunteer to work! At least can dress as Santa Claus and stand in some large mall. Be can friendly to the people and kids. Make the children happy to be visited by Santa. Oops LKY!!!



my uncle say why he let 2 to be acting ? he say is it he don't trust 1 ? He say this arrangement will cause discrepancy if he didn't make it home.


my uncle say why he let 2 to be acting ? he say is it he don't trust 1 ? He say this arrangement will cause discrepancy if he didn't make it home.
my uncle say is it if he die today till 2359hrs 25th dec khaw will be official pm and if 0000 hrs 26th dec teo will be official pm ?
my uncle say these 2 must be hoping he cannot make it home got 50% chance to be pm.


my uncle say is it if he die today till 2359hrs 25th dec khaw will be official pm and if 0000 hrs 26th dec teo will be official pm ?
my uncle say these 2 must be hoping he cannot make it home got 50% chance to be pm.

Your uncle like that say means KBW will send people to fuck him already.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I am glad singapore's leadership is kept chink. No keling tartman as acting or real PM please!