Hahaha...what you expect from the gahmen media mouthpiece ?
Is like a durian seller saying his durians are very good and cheap....
Fair trade is more important than free trade. This was why the TPP was abolished. Globalism is dead.
fucking a rich sim lim hole............This arsehole isn't qualified to be major trade business. He is better stuck in his construction business small scale projects... a fucking buffoon...
Nothing wrong In hating free trade as it's a tool for the oligarchs to gain more wealth. Look at singkieland n the the foreign trash policy. Influx of labour at the expense of the domestic workforce. The emphasis should be on Fair Trade
ya, man! ...... If You Hate CECA, It Means You Hate Free Trade!
ya, man! ...
if u hate ah nehs, it means u hate sgreans ...
CECA are tenant occupants for Condo apartments with swimming pool and gym, and unempmoyed locals are condo security guards, cleaners, taxi Uber drivers, grab food deliveries ..... only can get it from bastard CAQ Loong.CECA has created a lot of good jobs for sinkies.
John only play with RC mangoes.John Tan is agreeing with PAP definition that if you hate prostitute, you also hate your daughter. They are the same?
John Tan is agreeing with PAP definition that if you hate prostitute, you also hate your daughter. They are the same?