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Iswaran sentence …


LHL. Zero tolerance against corruption.. yet Iswaran got AGC to drop corruption charges and amend to a lesser charge and to a lighter censure .!!

Kong Hee got 8 years … if Iswaran get 8 weeks or 2 months .. Will Kong Hee shout … unfair .. unfair ??? .!!!!!




Alfrescian (Inf)
Thank you for the West Coast CC bridge extension, Iswaran. I use it regularly.

Those seeginas who play basketball at the upgraded West Coast CC indoor court also thank you.




Former Transport Minister S. Iswaran has been sentenced to 12 months in jail on Thursday (3 October), following his conviction for abusing his position to accept gifts.

The sentencing took place in a courtroom filled with over 40 members of the public, alongside Iswaran's family.

During the proceedings, the presiding judge, Justice Vincent Hoong, highlighted the critical importance of trust and confidence in public institutions, describing them as the foundation of effective governance.

He remarked, “This can all too easily be undermined by a public servant who falls below standards of integrity and accountability.”

In his remarks, Justice Hoong noted that Iswaran had publicly rejected the charges against him as false.

“In a letter to the Prime Minister, Iswaran stated he was innocent and believed he would be acquitted. Thus, I have difficulty believing that he was remorseful,” the judge explained.

As Justice Hoong addressed the court, Iswaran was seen looking down and taking notes.

The judge further emphasized that the level of culpability increases with the rank of the public servant, stating, “The higher the office held by the offender, the higher his level of culpability.”


I think also considered isawaran sway.
Near ge so pap has to make it clear that this is non acceptable. If no ge probably the sentence will be lighter.


He had a whale of a time screwing sinkie arses all these years. So now, it is his turn to get his arse screwed by his jail mates.