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Serious Israel Winning In Gaza! Denazification Of Gaza In Progress! Israel Flag Now Flying Over Gaza!

syed putra

Just to make John tan happy this lunar New Year

Israel says Hamas forces halved with more than 12,000 gunmen killed
Israel says Hamas forces halved with more than 12,000 gunmen killed
An Israeli Soldier waves as he sits in a tank near Israel’s border with Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in southern Israel, February 12, 2024. — Reuters pic
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Monday, 12 Feb 2024 10:30 PM MYT
JERUSALEM, Feb 12 — An Israeli government spokesperson said today that Hamas had been reduced to half its fighting force in the Gaza war, with more than 12,000 gunmen who have been killed and large numbers wounded or captured.


“We’re talking about three-quarters of Hamas’ battalions that have been shattered ... with over 12,000 terrorists who have been killed,” Eylon Levy said in a briefing.

“When you take into account the number of terrorists who have been wounded or apprehended, that is more than half of Hamas’ fighting force knocked out of action.” — Reuters


The stuff coming out of rafah has been really bleak today... my twitter feed has seen unprecedented gory child deaths, and most would have seen it. Think this is when the world turns


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The stuff coming out of rafah has been really bleak today... my twitter feed has seen unprecedented gory child deaths, and most would have seen it. Think this is when the world turns

It's pretty much hamas and the fakestinians fault. I read that the rescued Jew old farts were held captive by fakestinian civilians, not actual hamas terrorists.

syed putra

Jews send captured jihadists to tell moslems to fuck off from the hospital. See how nice Jews are? @syed putra @Hypocrite-The @Likemeat

And then the idf level off the hospital claiming its hamas operational office. We heard this before. It need just one trigger to start a west bank uprising and people in jordan and hezbollah will join in. That trigger will be death of a infant due to either food or medical shortage. Expect no mercy this time around.







Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
IDF have been killing Palestinians systematically since 1967.. One by one. In one year alone hundreds killed during so called peace time and thousands arrested.

From 1967 till now, fakestinians have systematically tried to kill Jews but mostly failed, saved for some islamic terrorists acts.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Jews will lose as they are not nice. Most have dual cotuzenship. They can go back to the other country they came from.

Fakestinians will lose because they are not nice. Fakestinians tried to take over Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Kuwait and Iraq. In all those countries, the respective arab leaders ended up slaughtering thousands of fakestinians or just throwing them all out.