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Serious Israel Winning In Gaza! Denazification Of Gaza In Progress! Israel Flag Now Flying Over Gaza!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
They can still run as a minority gomen if the others failed to form a coalition.
Sorry. They won 74 seats out if 142 which means they won more than 50% of seats and can form the gomen. But fatah refuse to leave their seats in power.

Hamas came into power by throwing other politicians off the roof. That's what moslems call as freedom fighter?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The Arabic term of contentious is "makr," and its primary meaning is deceitful multifaceted. But it can include the concepts of planning, strategizing, and managing affairs. Armed robbery also needs to plan.

Even the planning is of bad intentions, not good. Deceit is just a nicer word for lying.

syed putra

Fakestinian shows you his life in the "open air prison" called Gaza before 7 Oct 2023. @syed putra @duluxe

Ok. Lets see how you like if sinkie is blockaded by umno and all trade controlled through jb. No tuas port allowed.no changi airport either. Water provided just once a week. Electricity controllled by umno. At their whims and fancies.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Ok. Lets see how you like if sinkie is blockaded by umno and all trade controlled through jb. No tuas port allowed.no changi airport either. Water provided just once a week. Electricity controllled by umno. At their whims and fancies.

If Singapore swore to destroy jiuhu and brainwashed little sinkies into wanting to kill jiuhukias for paradise, jiuhu has the right to blockade Singapore.



Open-air prison? We all were lied to: Gaza was a modern, developed city before October 7​



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
gaza has the illusion of a open developed city. But in reality, gaxans are not free to leave or travel or trade with anyone except after permission guven by israel. And all goods must be imported/exported through israel only.

Lots of Gazans travel abroad for holidays. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
