There are no 讲情讲义in Singapore. If you want that don't stay in the country. Singapore government, PAP,MIWs etc has always emphasized $$$, just look at the million dollar pay they are getting. Also look at the Fthrash policy, they don't even want to talk or care about the impacts to the locals. Its about "meritocracy" and "elitism", both these do not talk about 情 or 义.
But isn't 讲情讲义 the way to build a more cohesive society? How old are you btw,do you practise this to your friends?
I am not in Singapore anymore. From a young age my father has always emphasized that the Singapore government 不讲情不讲义 as I grow up, start to work, I slowly understand what he meant by it. Its not just in the civil, social, government department. This "philosophy", if you want to call it, is being permeated throughout the social, private structure of the country. I am in a more cohesive, social country now, and has not regretted since. There are many examples about this that other forumners would point out.
nothing wrong with 讲情讲义. problem most prob is you are doing with the wrong crowd.
most notable one is a friend from secondary, few years back, borrow some money from me and run road to china,never contact me after.
I was just hoping that one day he do well and 拉我上岸。
You should not expect anything if you are helping someone. That is the wrong way of helping someone. Your "friend" has the foresight to run road to china but not you. It does not matter if he pays back you or not. The important thing is what do you want? There are many information in the emigration folder that tells you of the various countries you can go to.
You will feel better once you've stopped smoking.
i think you got me wrong,I never expect anything in return when I help someone.
so many times, I have been disappointed by doing so. I think the best way to survive is still be a lan jiao lang.agree?
"What profits a man if he gains the world but loses his soul?" So long as you can live with yourself go ahead.
so many times, I have been disappointed by doing so. I think the best way to survive is still be a lan jiao lang.agree?
NO SMOKING! It's bad for health!!
Who's the smoker here? Own up!
松鼠也有情有義 ...
a feisty squirrel was cot on camera trying 2 scare off crows fr feasting on his dead companion’s carcass ...