" People who do not believe in God are very doubtful people! We all know that so don't need to tell us "
Ppl who are delusional will believe everything that storybook have written we call it blind faith

that's very dangerous
(Indeed, it is. Faith can be blind but only when you don't have strong information to support your believe. Believe in the Bible is not a blind faith but it is a faith that have withstood the test of time. We believe because we have the word of God, the Bible. Just the KJV version of the Bible, there are at least over 1 billion copies had been printed. Besides, the Bible have been translated to over 2,500 languages/dialects and this process of translating is still in progress. No book can be second to the Bible in terms of the number printed, the languages/dialects that were being translated into. If you want to really know what miracle is, this is it. You don't need to look further.
" And of course not everyone can tell between faction from non-faction book or vice versa. Only people who are endowed with God's wish are able to discern the difference "
Yes you can't tell , cause you believe in talking snake , staying alive in fish stomach for days , walking on water , turning water to wine , Norah ark ...ect . you tell ppl said you believe that snake can talk and see their reaction hor

whahhahaha . Confirm think you siao Liao
we believe the talking-snake or serpent; we believe in the Noah's ark and the universal great flood that destroyed evil people except the family members of Noah; we believe that Jonah was in the stomach of a big marine animal - probably a whale (rather than a fish) for 3 days.; we believe that Jesus can turn water to wine - after all He created water so that shouldn't be difficult for Him to turn it to wine, afterall some athiests and those who believe in evolution can believe that life can be evolved out of a piece of rock or a bowl of muddy soup; their faith are truly blind because until now no scientists can illustrate that life can be evolved from non-life - unless an intelligent being is involved in the conversion or change process.
" We all know that current the international calendar system uses Before Christ (BC) and After Christ (AD) as the dating system. If Jesus is not an historical, how could this calendar system be used?
You really an idiot !! Like that Thailand is a buddist country also using buddha calendar to calculate so buddha is real why not you believe in buddha ? Whahhaa

again talking through your asshole
You have not read my message fully. I have already acknowledge there are other calendar system and I even gave an example of the calendar system in Taiwan. But you have missed the point. No calendar system is more significant than the calendar system of BC/AD and this system is used internationally in all business contracts, letter writing, dating of documents however insignifcant the documents may be. All other systems of calendering are peculiar to perhaps a particular religion e.g. the Muslim.Mohammadan calender, the Buddist/Oriental caledar. They are not used internationally and have no use whatever today. Because Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords, His birth year is a clear reflection that He is indeed a New King, where you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, this is no important. He reigns from the time of His birth as the King of kings and Lord of lords of this universe.
"Why should the whole earth be using a calendar system that gives recognition to the birth of a Person of Jesus Christ?"
You fool , what about Hebrew language in the bible ?
That shows how ignorant you are as far as the book of the Bible is concerned, and in particular the languages of Hebrew and Greek. These two languages are the most unique languages that the world has ever known. These two languages are the only languages with official numerical equivalent, and hundred of verses in the Bible, both in the NT and the OT contained numerical orders. For example, many of the verses when converting them into numbers have numerical property like the sum of the verses are divisble by 7; all the sum of the nouns are divisible by 7; all the verbs are divisible by 7 and so on. No modern computers can even be programmed to have this numerical property. Furthermore, many major languages of the Bible like were all translated from the Hebrew and Greek texts. Why nobody use herbrew to teach the bible in church ?
You are absolutely illerate on this! There are universities with courses specializing on the language of Hebrew and in particular the Biblical Hebrew. However, only very selected people of God are given the wisdom to acquire the languistic proficiency of Hebrew (and Greek) and these selected people of God are then using their God-given languistic skill to translate and teach the Bible in other languages. Furthermore, just less than 150 years ago, it was thought that the language of Hebrew as loss for ever, however it was later re-discovered and today there are many, many Hebrew scholars. In the world history, it is well-known that when a language is lost, it is lost forever and could never be re-established. Hebrew language is the ONLY language that was lost and re-established! Why use English ?
My comments above answer this question and only ignorant and illiterate people ask this question. Anyone who have some knowledge of the history of the Hebrew language is laughing at you! When you tell enough lies its become a reality

that's why you believe in talking snake cause you are being brainwashed .. As simple as that . Go to CHC
(What is CHC.....I have never heard and have no intention to know what this means) and you know what's the meaning of brainwashed

and how powerful brainwashing is . you keep saying jesus is historical figure and bible is a history book , so why a taking snake and all the magical thing happen in a history book.
Is this stupid logic can also apply to the theory of evolution and in the book written by Charles Darwin, the Origin of Specie. This so-called the history of natural science is in fact a big fraud and life evolved from non-life is a miracle - if only one believe it - that is even more ridiculous that those miracles we read in th Bible!. Since when did you see a history book full of miracal story ?
Let me repeat - the book on evolution, the Origin of Species which is basically a book on the history of natural science and they contained more unbelievable miracles than those we read in the Bible!Whahahhah . That is common sense too . I'm afraid you don't have