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is it normal to have desires to fuck your ex girlfriend a few years after breakup?


a few weeks ago, i met one of my ex when shopping alone at takashimaya in the late afternoon. she was alone too. we said hi to each other and asked how the other was doing blah blah blah...then because housemate was not in singapore and i had no one to eat alone, i asked if she mind joining me for dinner. she agreed and even treated me dinner and throughout we chatted very happily and laughed at our favourite moments when we were together as couple last time. we sort of like didn't want the night to end and we ended up in a starbucks for some kopi and she later sent me home in her car. she asked if she could see my place but because i didn't her to know i am now living with my housemate, i said it wasn't convenient and i could sense a little disappointment in her. but that night, we continue chatting on whatsapp when she reached home safe and sound. then before i went to bed that night, i thought of her and masturbated myself silly with some photos i took when we were having drinks at starbucks. the desire to fuck her again was very strong and muddled with old feelings of love. sad hor....because once in a while i still think of her beautiful face and nice body plus her spontaneity during making love....sigh....

syed putra

a few weeks ago, i met one of my ex when shopping alone at takashimaya in the late afternoon. she was alone too. we said hi to each other and asked how the other was doing blah blah blah...then because housemate was not in singapore and i had no one to eat alone, i asked if she mind joining me for dinner. she agreed and even treated me dinner and throughout we chatted very happily and laughed at our favourite moments when we were together as couple last time. we sort of like didn't want the night to end and we ended up in a starbucks for some kopi and she later sent me home in her car. she asked if she could see my place but because i didn't her to know i am now living with my housemate, i said it wasn't convenient and i could sense a little disappointment in her. but that night, we continue chatting on whatsapp when she reached home safe and sound. then before i went to bed that night, i thought of her and masturbated myself silly with some photos i took when we were having drinks at starbucks. the desire to fuck her again was very strong and muddled with old feelings of love. sad hor....because once in a while i still think of her beautiful face and nice body plus her spontaneity during making love....sigh....
You dumb idiot. She wanted to bonk you and you said its not convenient? In the next life, you will be questioned for such missed opportunities.
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a few weeks ago, i met one of my ex when shopping alone at takashimaya in the late afternoon. she was alone too. we said hi to each other and asked how the other was doing blah blah blah...then because housemate was not in singapore and i had no one to eat alone, i asked if she mind joining me for dinner. she agreed and even treated me dinner and throughout we chatted very happily and laughed at our favourite moments when we were together as couple last time. we sort of like didn't want the night to end and we ended up in a starbucks for some kopi and she later sent me home in her car. she asked if she could see my place but because i didn't her to know i am now living with my housemate, i said it wasn't convenient and i could sense a little disappointment in her. but that night, we continue chatting on whatsapp when she reached home safe and sound. then before i went to bed that night, i thought of her and masturbated myself silly with some photos i took when we were having drinks at starbucks. the desire to fuck her again was very strong and muddled with old feelings of love. sad hor....because once in a while i still think of her beautiful face and nice body plus her spontaneity during making love....sigh....
You should share the pics of her that you took that night in this thread, so our horny Samsters can use it as fapping material as well.


a few weeks ago, i met one of my ex when shopping alone at takashimaya in the late afternoon. she was alone too. we said hi to each other and asked how the other was doing blah blah blah...then because housemate was not in singapore and i had no one to eat alone, i asked if she mind joining me for dinner. she agreed and even treated me dinner and throughout we chatted very happily and laughed at our favourite moments when we were together as couple last time. we sort of like didn't want the night to end and we ended up in a starbucks for some kopi and she later sent me home in her car. she asked if she could see my place but because i didn't her to know i am now living with my housemate, i said it wasn't convenient and i could sense a little disappointment in her. but that night, we continue chatting on whatsapp when she reached home safe and sound. then before i went to bed that night, i thought of her and masturbated myself silly with some photos i took when we were having drinks at starbucks. the desire to fuck her again was very strong and muddled with old feelings of love. sad hor....because once in a while i still think of her beautiful face and nice body plus her spontaneity during making love....sigh....

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In your case, just admit you are not a good horse. You are a CAN EAT DON'T WASTE horse. 不管是向前草還是回頭草,只要是可以吃免費的草就是好草。

Can you confirm if your ex is older than you?
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In your case, just admit you are not a good horse. You are a CAN EAT DON'T WASTE horse. 不管是向前草還是回頭草,只要是可以吃免費的草就是好草。

Can you confirm if your ex is older than you?


a few weeks ago, i met one of my ex when shopping alone at takashimaya in the late afternoon. she was alone too. we said hi to each other and asked how the other was doing blah blah blah...then because housemate was not in singapore and i had no one to eat alone, i asked if she mind joining me for dinner. she agreed and even treated me dinner and throughout we chatted very happily and laughed at our favourite moments when we were together as couple last time. we sort of like didn't want the night to end and we ended up in a starbucks for some kopi and she later sent me home in her car. she asked if she could see my place but because i didn't her to know i am now living with my housemate, i said it wasn't convenient and i could sense a little disappointment in her. but that night, we continue chatting on whatsapp when she reached home safe and sound. then before i went to bed that night, i thought of her and masturbated myself silly with some photos i took when we were having drinks at starbucks. the desire to fuck her again was very strong and muddled with old feelings of love. sad hor....because once in a while i still think of her beautiful face and nice body plus her spontaneity during making love....sigh....
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