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Is Food Panda's delivery bag and driver halal?


Alfrescian (Inf)
If someone throws a pig into our reservoirs, how huh? :sneaky:

There are already a lot of wild boars in all our reservoirs, I am sure they go bathing in the water...even shit & pee in it too...how, huh?
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Alfrescian (Inf)
whether halal or not they never wash nor wipe their delivery pouches. because it's dark and damp inside it's a perfect place to grow germs and bacteria.

syed putra

How about the air?

If a Chinese eats bak kwa, then burps out, the air is contaminated with pork! :confused:
Bak kwa makes chinese have bad breath. The burp is the result of the stinking filthy food chinese eat. Like i said. Forbidden to eat pork. Nothing mentioned about breathing and drinking pork. So must be ok to kiss a pork eating girl.


Do they use separate bags for halal and non-halal food? What about the driver? Anyone knows bo?

I thinking of ordering food for my muslim friend but dunno can or not
KNN you better be sure about this as my uncle almost turned into halal pork in a halal tray incident in a food court KNN


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It is a greater sin to eat pork and haram food than it is to rape and murder. Ask any decent imam.

syed putra

It is a greater sin to eat pork and haram food than it is to rape and murder. Ask any decent imam.
Eating pork is not a sin. Its just forbidden. No reason given.but pork not the only thing forbidden to eat. Blood is forbidden too. So no raw steak and meat. Rotting meat. Meat of animals which we do not know how it died of.