Minister Chee added that other global cities like London and Hong Kong also do not display fare deductions and card balances at fare gates, as they use ABT cards.
True...Sg politicians all buffet style one, pick and choose comparisonsWhy compare SG with other cities?
SG ministers are paid more than their counterparts in the other countries so the SG ministers must come up with a better system.
The salaries of the ministers in the UK and HK are way lower than that of Chee Hong Tat?
So why don't Chee Hong Tat offer to bring his salary in line, to be the same as his UK and HK counterparts?
Minister Chee added that other global cities like London and Hong Kong also do not display fare deductions and card balances at fare gates, as they use ABT cards.
Other useful Octopus tips
Checking the balance
Every time you use your card, the display next to the card reader will show the amount deducted for that transaction as a negative figure together with the remaining balance. If you miss this though, there are dedicated balance checkers in all MTR stations or you can check on the Octopus app.
fucking amateur this cheebai. He will be another liability to the fucking party.
Minister Chee added that other global cities like London and Hong Kong also do not display fare deductions and card balances at fare gates, as they use ABT cards ...
Can see...cannot touch lehIf Piss And Poop wanted to, they can even show your SeePeeF balance when passing the gantry. If you never top up your SeePeeF, the gantry won't open.