syed putra said:
Ibrahim is the highest prophet in the quran.believers are asked to emulate him.he was never a pagan or idol worshippers.
I have to make a amendment. All prophets are equal. But abraham was the first to submit himself to God alone.
The history of Abraham - the first man to be admitted into God’s system The Arab religion was born after the following verses were corrupted
2:124 And when Abraham was tested by His Lord with the words (kalimatin) - thus, he completed it. We said, “Indeed I am making you for mankind as the head (imam)”. He asked, “And from my descendants”? I replied - “My promise does not include the unjust people”. 2:125 And when We made the system as providence for mankind and harmony – and you shall take from the position of Abraham who was committed. And We gave instructions to Abraham and Ishmael that - they should clean My system for groups of people - and those who are devoted - and those who humbly consented.
Abraham’s commitment in God’s system begins with cultivation of soil.. Those not committed get less - as retributions from God
2:126 And when Abraham said, “My Lord please make this country harmoniously and provide its people from the fruits for those among them who trust for God and the day of the hereafter. He replied, “And those who do not trust I will provide for them too - then I will force them to the agony of Hell - and it is the worst destination to return.
The foundation of a true Muslim No preference over any special messenger
2:136 Make it known to them, “We trust God and what was transmitted to us and what was transmitted to Abraham - and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and whatever was transmitted to their offspring and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to all the prophets from their Lord. We never make any distinction with any one from them - and to Him we are at peace (Muslims). 2:137 Thus if they trust with the example of what you have trusted with it - indeed they are guided - on the other hand, if they turn away - then, surely they are in defiance. Therefore God will protect you from them - and He is the hearer and the knower. 2:138( God’s policy). And who is better from God’s policy? And we are for Him among those who serve.
Never squabble with anyone in matters of God
2:139 Tell them, “Are you challenging with us in matters of God - whilst He is our Lord and your Lord - and for us are our deeds and for you are your deeds. And to Him we are sincere”.
If they insist use Abraham as the benchmark
2:140 Or are they saying that Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and their offspring proclaimed as the guided people or the supporters? Tell them, “Are you more knowledgeable or is it God”? Who is more unjust than the ones who concealed the testimony by him from God. And God never failed to notice from whatever your deeds are. 2:141 That was a nation of the past. For them whatever they brought about - and for you - whatever you will bring about. And you will not be asked from whatever of their deeds.