Bang, give credit when credit is due. They may not be 100% perfect. But Sidek did help some of my relatives.
Dr Maliki also acceptable to me. The rest of Malay MPs...jiakleowbee cheena say.
I still remembered when I was in my teen my very close cousin he is one year older then me went to see his Malay mp.
because his dad got diabetes and one of his leg been amputated so they went to see their area mp happen to be malay minister.
They explained to the the malay ministers that there no water and electricity at home they they eat plain rice with egg and kicap(black sauce) they cannot pay the bills and he haven’t pay the school fees for many months because no money all his dad life saving is finish.
His dad told the mp he just need cpf to give his Some of his cpf Money to survive those day at 55 year old can get your cpf money and his dad was in his Early 50s.
u know what the mp ask them?
1. U got a wife?
2. U got other children?
3. u got siblings?
his dad answered.
1. wife divorced
2. Other children the elder one married and do give some money not much because he also have his own family to feed
3. Siblings also struggling to put food on the table and they got their own family to feed
and he continued sir I am here to get some money from my cpf if u can recommend to take early it will really help me.
and the mp reply I am sorry I can’t do anything about the cpf that is the policy BUT your ex wife, son and sibling are the one who should help u.
they went home and on the way home his dad cried!
where is the compassion and empathy??????
The next day he went to school and his best friend (a Chinese guy) ask him what wrong because he look very troubled and sad.
His good friend persuaded my cousin to tell him and at last my cousin told him.
the following next day his best friend told him after school go home and take all the bills and his father medical bills and follow him.
His best friend never tell him where they going after school because if he told my causin where they were going my cousin surely will not follow him.
when they reach the destination my cousin was very surprised his best friend bring him to a church. The church father greeted them and listen to my cousin troubles and he wrote a cheque and gave it to my cousin at 1st my cousin don’t want to accept but the church father told him to take it and don’t think of anything he just want to help my cousin. My cousin very grateful to him and his best friend.
Cut the story short my cousin enlisted to national service police and signed on so that he got salary to put food on the table and buy medicine for his dad. and he study part time at night and he able to completed his University and got a good career after he completed the NS bond and work outside and he told me whenever there a donation from any church he will gladly give money because my causin is very grateful to the church even he is a muslim.
and he also donate to the masjib every fridays too.