What work these guys are doing these days?
They helped collaborate the BIG data that were stolen by Apple, Google, Microsoft, AWS, Telcos, banks, ecommerce applications, GovTech government file such as Health Care etc to get all personal details in one place worldwide data. It is called ONE-DB or ONE_WORLD_DATABASE for Rothschild's MONOPOLY businesss.
Sooner these beggary elements will be out of jobs as Rothschild family. USA Democrats, PAP, CECA's BJP, CCP are all in deep shit.
Historically Nimrod built a massive Tower called
Babel Tower about 4000 years ago, after Noah's blood. Nimrod wanted to hv a MONOPOLY under his Babylonian, and he wanted all men to work for his personal ambitions using resources worldwide (globally). It was considered a biggest Tower in the world then and it is located in modern map in Iraq. Nimrod wanted to role all men from this
centralized Babel Tower. God Himself came down from Heaven and all the works were abruptly halped. God decentralized and cast the folks to scatter and migrate to even uttermost parts of the world. This is begore the continents were formed. At this time frame, the whole world was just united as
ONE continent, called
Similar to such decentralization, I am expecting to see deglobalization to send back all CECA to where they belong.
Let us study some science and my findings:
Science Evolution Theory of continents drifting, and climate change theory is debunked by me
I have been trying to debunk this theory officially. Devil is fighting tooth and nail as he is seeking my support for the Darwin's evolution theory. I said that is impossible./
(Please read the contents below and then watch the video and you will be terrified that satan is trying to control Science and Technology and i will NOT allow him to take over until my last minute on this earth)
"In the year of 1910, Alfred Wegener proclaimed that the continents looked just like pieces of a broken puzzle( Jigg-saw) and the name "Pangaea/Pangea" is given to the super-continent. Pangaea is derived from Hebrew word pan + Gaia ("all, entire, whole") and Gaia ("Mother Earth, land").
By 1915,
Alfred Wegener a satanist declared the continents are drifting away due to tectonics motions under the earth even today to support the SATANIC EVOLUTION for devil. Alfred Wegener named it a "Continental Drift" that caused a rift due to plate tectonics under the earth. He also gotten the Nobel Prize for such finds which I am trying to nullify and prove this that such theory is false.
Pangaea or Pangea, the supercontinent that existed approximately
335 million years ago, and it began to break apart about 175 million years ago and still drifting. This theory is wrong as it contradicts Bible. God Himself confirmed to me that this theory is wrong. Any spiritual inspiration that does not match the Bible comes from devil.
What does the Bible say?
Bible agrees partially that the earth was initially united together as a single super continent. But we read in the Bible that in the days of Paleg, "the earth was divided" and there were no continents on earth prior to his life. (1Chr. 1:19). The earth was divided about 4000 years only ago. Not 335 million years ago.
◄ 1 Chronicles 1:19 ►
In the days of Paleg, the earth was divided.
To be continued