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indian guy driving SMW5622Y rain punches on the old man just because of honking issue


Even walk outside also can get arrested without behaving suspicious or anything.
My uncle kana before. Reason they give is long hair forbidden.
He then returned home with bmt crew cuts.
This law was in the late 70s to early 80s.
My uncle was a fei zai in his late teens then.
He was ordered to cut botak on the spot thus he returned home with a crew cut.
In 60s to early 70s almost every man has fei zai long hair.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Honestly speaking, most drivers are very Kwai Lan. You can't tell who is right or wrong simply looking at the short video.


This law was in the late 70s to early 80s.
My uncle was a fei zai in his late teens then.
He was ordered to cut botak on the spot thus he returned home with a crew cut.
In 60s to early 70s almost every man has fei zai long hair.
Absolutely as a school boy I remember the posters in govt offices and post office banks etc in the late 70s-early 80s which said that males with long hair will be served last and if in queue will be sent to the back if they had long hair! They even banned performers like Kitaro from performing in SG as they had long hair!


No worries, sinki is too happy that water price to hike 18% by 2025...many can sleep well tonight... Heng Ong huat lah