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indian guy driving SMW5622Y rain punches on the old man just because of honking issue


sometimes, when it isn't necessary to horn, pls don't horn otherwise got Indian will beat u up


No class Sinkie Keling will always be a low class lout. I hope the police send him back to his ancestral home in Changi.


The Sinki Hardlander should kowtow and thank Mighty CECA Hero for this good lesson learnt De woh


Fark the useless skinny driver for anyhow use the horn.
9/10 Indian with long hair are barbarians.
Pap should revert to the 70s law to arrest all man , especially indians with long hair.
When to use horn and when not to ?
Know the rules.
A horn is used to warn road users of potential danger. With an exception of reminding a blur driver to farking move on when traffic light turn green. Under this situation the horn only to be used at least after 2 secs and not immediately.
It is not meant to be a tool to scold driver I.e means after a incident occurred and you feel not shiok and you horn the driver. You can do this but be prepared for a fight. Don't horn and expect talking with logic.

syed putra

Fark the useless skinny driver for anyhow use the horn.
9/10 Indian with long hair are barbarians.
Pap should revert to the 70s law to arrest all man , especially indians with long hair.
Why dont you challenge him to a fist fight. One on one


When to use horn and when not to ?
Know the rules.
A horn is used to warn road users of potential danger. With an exception of reminding a blur driver to farking move on when traffic light turn green. Under this situation the horn only to be used at least after 2 secs and not immediately.
It is not meant to be a tool to scold driver I.e means after a incident occurred and you feel not shiok and you horn the driver. You can do this but be prepared for a fight. Don't horn and expect talking with logic.
Most sinki and jiuhu take horn as very offensive... Less safety oriented culture, ego is top consideration

But in overseas, horning is always use as a reminder or alert on abrupt change in road condition