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India NO Masks and huge crowds yet Covid figures are way better than lockdown countries.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
India.... let nature do its thing.... just ONE peak and that's it.

CountryCasesDeathsCFRDeaths per 100,000
10,937,320155,9131.4%11.53 :biggrin:

Screen Shot 2021-02-19 at 8.47.31 AM.png


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Spain.. locked down to death and wearing all these stupid, useless masks and end up with wave after wave of infections.

CountryCasesDeathsCFRDeaths per 100,000
3,096,34365,9792.1%141.21 :eek:

Screen Shot 2021-02-19 at 8.49.26 AM.png


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
No matter how many articles of doom big tech and big pharma churn out there is no arguing with the data. Masks and lockdowns DO NOT WORK!!!!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
If they can fake university degrees...how hard it is for them to fake Covid-19 figures ?

Yes there is definitely some false reporting but health authorities in every country are trying to make the figures look WORSE not better.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
that is just your own opinion. facts please to back it up.

It is not my opinion it's based upon the definition of Covid deaths in many jurisdictions.

Here is an example from the UK.


By this PHE definition, no one with COVID in England is allowed to ever recover from their illness. A patient who has tested positive, but successfully treated and discharged from hospital, will still be counted as a COVID death even if they had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later.


Yes there is definitely some false reporting but health authorities in every country are trying to make the figures look WORSE not better.

Then how come Singapore authorities wants to make our figure of 60K infections look good by insisting that 98% of these are dorm related and pose no public risks. ?


It is not my opinion it's based upon the definition of Covid deaths in many jurisdictions.

Here is an example from the UK.


I believe this has been addressed already.


anyway what you say is counter-intuitive... governments in general would want to announce lower death/infection figures to show they have shit under control.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I believe this has been addressed already.


anyway what you say is counter-intuitive... governments in general would want to announce lower death/infection figures to show they have shit under control.

Later on they put in a window of 2 weeks but that still inflates the figures. In the meantime the USA inflates figures for another reason and that is to claim more subsidies for each Covid death.

In the good old days governments would try their best to look good but with politicians now working in unison with the drug companies the landscape has changed. The pandemic has been overhyped and populations have been kept in a state of fear in order for the drug companies to make money and for governments to increase their control over those they rule.

Just look at who has benefited from this ongoing state of emergency. It certainly isn't the average citizen. It's the tech companies, the drug companies, the huge supermarket chains, amazon, etc. Ask yourself why every country kept supermarkets open while shutting down the village grocer. Surely making everyone go to one huge building is a recipe for Covid spread. It would have been far better to allow all the smaller shops to trade while shutting the supermarkets instead.


Later on they put in a window of 2 weeks but that still inflates the figures. In the meantime the USA inflates figures for another reason and that is to claim more subsidies for each Covid death.

In the good old days governments would try their best to look good but with politicians now working in unison with the drug companies the landscape has changed. The pandemic has been overhyped and populations have been kept in a state of fear in order for the drug companies to make money and for governments to increase their control over those they rule.

Just look at who has benefited from this ongoing state of emergency. It certainly isn't the average citizen. It's the tech companies, the drug companies, the huge supermarket chains, amazon, etc. Ask yourself why every country kept supermarkets open while shutting down the village grocer. Surely making everyone go to one huge building is a recipe for Covid spread. It would have been far better to allow all the smaller shops to trade while shutting the supermarkets instead.

yes while pharma will undoubtedly profit from this Covid misadventure, the amount isn't that large. maybe $100-200b in revenue. That's like a rounding error on the fed's combined monetary stimulus. so those profits don't seem like a main driver of the pandemic.

what's fascinating are the rapid social changes taking place. it's like the future got shoved down our throats overnight and we were compelled to embrace tech and all those companies you mentioned.

and this has been great for the environment too, undoubtedly one of the biggest beneficiaries of this rapid change.

in the past, it took wars to move society forward. 20m died in ww1, 75m in ww2. this time, for the price of 2m+ lives we get to remake society.

seems like a good deal so far....


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
yes while pharma will undoubtedly profit from this Covid misadventure, the amount isn't that large. maybe $100-200b in revenue. That's like a rounding error on the fed's combined monetary stimulus. so those profits don't seem like a main driver of the pandemic.

what's fascinating are the rapid social changes taking place. it's like the future got shoved down our throats overnight and we were compelled to embrace tech and all those companies you mentioned.

and this has been great for the environment too, undoubtedly one of the biggest beneficiaries of this rapid change.

in the past, it took wars to move society forward. 20m died in ww1, 75m in ww2. this time, for the price of 2m+ lives we get to remake society.

seems like a good deal so far....

It hasn't been remade it has just been disrupted. Things will be back to normal once everyone realises what a scam this whole saga is.


It hasn't been remade it has just been disrupted. Things will be back to normal once everyone realises what a scam this whole saga is.

then maybe the pandemic should be allowed to last longer till the disruptions become the new norm.