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they are rich as hell ???that being the case, one has to exercise due diligence. if just one purchase, benefit of doubt can be given, but when family members all tongpang, what does that tell you?
they are rich as hell ???that being the case, one has to exercise due diligence. if just one purchase, benefit of doubt can be given, but when family members all tongpang, what does that tell you?
unless the law clearly stated that the Lees should not receive any discount at all for any purchases or they should clear with CAD before buyinh anything..please enlighten me if there is such a law..speed limit is common knowledge no one can claim ignorance...
Please enlighten....
Scrooballs you took the post from someone on sgforums but you didn't credit him for the post
It was written by weirdo80 in 19 april 2005 so more than 10 year ago
Anyway look at this
by Datok:
As a matter of fact... I knew someone who did buy a unit in Nassim Jade. She too was given the same discount as what the Lee's had...
They actually wanted her to come out and say that she too was given the same discount. But the thing was that the Lee's had their lawyers from Lee and Lee sent her the letter, but the letter was signed on their behalf by the lawyers from Lee and Lee, instead of one of the Lee's. She was pretty upset about it.
Scrooballs you took the post from someone on sgforums but you didn't credit him for the post
It was written by weirdo80 in 19 april 2005 so more than 10 year ago
Anyway look at this
by Datok:
As a matter of fact... I knew someone who did buy a unit in Nassim Jade. She too was given the same discount as what the Lee's had...
They actually wanted her to come out and say that she too was given the same discount. But the thing was that the Lee's had their lawyers from Lee and Lee sent her the letter, but the letter was signed on their behalf by the lawyers from Lee and Lee, instead of one of the Lee's. She was pretty upset about it.
Its called the Prevention of Corruption Act. Go and read it.
any gratification as an inducement to or reward for, or otherwise on account of —
any person doing or forbearing to do anything in respect of any matter or transaction whatsoever, actual or proposed; or
any member, officer or servant of a public body doing or forbearing to do anything in respect of any matter or transaction whatsoever, actual or proposed, in which such public body is concerned,
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $100,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years or to both.
Note it says any gratification. So, even a 0.5% discount is a gratification, much less the 7% discount Gay Loong and Old Fart received. This law explicitly prevents a public employee any means of gratification whatsoever. I would say a $400k discount on a luxury condo is a hell of a lot of gratification.
It does not matter. the Lees received a discount off the list price of the condos. We know this. this is not under dispute. Whether their discount is greater or lesser then any other buyers is irrelevant. The anti corruption laws are very clear on this, you cannot get something cheaper then what other people had to pay for it. They themselves admitted they did not know how much discount they receive, which is very dangerous thing for a politician to say. At the very least, they should have done due diligence to ensure they did not get a better deal not available to other buyers. The most telling point in the whole saga is that one member got a discount, then they all wanted and requested and got the discount too. If they had to pay the exact same price as everyone else, and if no discount were offered to them, would they still buy the condo? The clear answer is NO. Hence a case of corruption here.
I better share the link here on Ag Supt JS Khosa's dismissal lest the CB kia kukubird cum out to accuse me of being a loose cannon.
Against all odds, after his dismissal, Khosa went to the UK to pursue his law degree and later returned to practise in the style of JS Khosa Advocates & Solicitors.
Sadly he was only in his 50's when he suffered a fatal heart attack at the S'pore Cricket Club.
A simple way to look at it is if they would be offered such big discounts if they were not who they were at the point of purchase.
hahaha....in case u are not aware, papsmearer is mentally challenged.....where did the anti corruption law explicitly say that..please enlighten...just treat me like i am an idiot..:p
This is how it works.
The wife was the foremost conveyancing expert in Singapore. Her clientele included the major developers and real estate agents. Any businessman with an ounce of grey matter who wants to be on inside track for a difficult project would go to Lee & Lee. She is after all a Queens Scholar, excelled in Cambridge and is married to the most powerful man in the land. You are not only getting the best brains, you also getting more than the best brains. The Commissioner of Land would tell his PA to say that he was not in when she called his office.
Were you there in the room? If not, either you were the PA or the room was bugged!
Were you there in the room? If not, either you were the PA or the room was bugged!
Aw TS married a Japanese wife ?
Haw Par Villa
Aw Boon Par
It does not matter. the Lees received a discount off the list price of the condos. We know this. this is not under dispute. Whether their discount is greater or lesser then any other buyers is irrelevant. The anti corruption laws are very clear on this, you cannot get something cheaper then what other people had to pay for it. They themselves admitted they did not know how much discount they receive,
which is very dangerous thing for a politician to say. At the very least, they should have done due diligence to ensure they did not get a better deal not available to other buyers. The most telling point in the whole
saga is that one member got a discount, then they all wanted and requested and got the discount too. If they had to pay the exact same price as everyone else, and if no discount were offered to them, would they still buy the condo? The clear answer is NO. Hence a case of
corruption here.
Khosa was badly humiliated by LKY when he went before the Select Committee. He was a committee member of the Law Society. He never recovered from the humiliation which I believe led to his death.
Maybe he is the land commissioner?