According to Ah Gong's biography, he has donated all his monies to charity since 1990 and his fortune is worth less than a F15 aircraft. How did he afford to buy so many properties? JohnTan, do you know?
This is how it works.
a) Old man's direct income from employment, speaking and advisory engagement, royalties etc =$XXm
b) Old man's income from family investment (previously run by his wife and now by youngest son) =$YYm
c) Old man's wife's income from her business, fees, direct investment etc = $ZZm
What is in the book is only (a).
The wife was the foremost conveyancing expert in Singapore. Her clientele included the major developers and real estate agents. Any businessman with an ounce of grey matter who wants to be on inside track for a difficult project would go to Lee & Lee. She is after all a Queens Scholar, excelled in Cambridge and is married to the most powerful man in the land. You are not only getting the best brains, you also getting more than the best brains. The Commissioner of Land would tell his PA to say that he was not in when she called his office. He needed to compose himself before handling her. What does that tell you?
Now as a Lawyer, you are dealing with cream of new developments and old valuable land and houses in the best locations in Singapore. You would have a ringside seat on what are the good investments are for the last 40 years. What are you going to do with your income and fees? Do you donate it to Amos, Roy, Chee or some Tiong whose daughter was murdered.
Are you also going put everything under your own name or put it in company that you control and that company can provide a level of privacy for you and family from those with prying eyes.
There was a case where HDB owners, a couple that owned 3 bungalows thru their private company and made money from renting it out for years. HDB could do nothing.
Old man continued use of charities to generate goodwill and political capital has never convinced the smart Singaporeans. It does impress the majority though. And thats how you stay in power. Its the same majority that will also donate to Amos, Roy and to every sob story that comes their way. Its like the 2 clowns that initiated a charity drive for the mother of Dominique Sarron Lee and she gave it it SPH's charity of all people.