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I wash my hair everyday


All except me are protected!

You're not a woman, you are a whore!



Life is not easy for me but I have done better than 99.99% of Ccb sinkies and mudlanders that are disgusting bulllies acting poor thing for sure. For example Malaysian Chinese son of 小三 @strawberry aka @nightsafari clone everyday open his Ccb Malaysian son of slut whore mistress mouth persecuting me a virgin as slut whore mistress and then act poor thing cry umno pap ceca whatever bully him. Pui!


Hey @rotiprata and @Cottonmouth jealous losers sons of whores do cultivate good clean habits like me to start such threads. One good habit to start is everyday do a kind act to Gansiokbin and shut up your criminal bully mouth. Pui!
Unfortunately only Angmoh the best got such human awareness to cultivate good habit of doing a kind act to fellow human everyday whereas Malaysian Chinese son of 小三 @strawberry aka @nightsafari everyday post threads show off his knowledge but zero human awareness aka a beast and pride himself on being a vicious bully to a woman persecuting me a virgin a slut whore mistress while he act poor thing cry umno pap ceca bully him. Pui!


Unfortunately only Angmoh the best got such human awareness to cultivate good habit of doing a kind act to fellow human everyday whereas Malaysian Chinese son of 小三 @strawberry aka @nightsafari everyday post threads show off his knowledge but zero human awareness aka a beast and pride himself on being a vicious bully to a woman persecuting me a virgin a slut whore mistress while he act poor thing cry umno pap ceca bully him. Pui!

Angmoh see your cheebye face will tear your cheebye into 2 pieces.
You this kind of phua cheebye can only stay home let your father fuck.
@ginfreely a chaocheebye like you should be fucked in the ass, cut off nipples and cheebye and seal it shut.