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Horizontal disposition, no matter:pProvided your ceiling is high enough (or if you are very short).
is it something for very short people, it is not easy to climb on the bed.
maybe it is wise to add a motor to move the bed up and down
This design will probably give you the "falling sickness" often. I notice that false ceiling has been especially raised so that the head won't hit the ceiling. Any mirror up there?
alamak... bro, this room is at least 4m by 4m with a 3.2m ceiling. there's a mechanism to raise the entire bed and the platform to flush with the false ceiling.
it is good to hide the mistress on the bed, and rising the bed to the ceiling when the wife suddenly come home.
Studio? Where are the bathroom and the kitchenette? All hacked away? Or need to share common ones with neighbors?
how u climb 'upstairs'? ...<IMG src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/251046_501387399885584_882705775_n.jpg" width=120></IMG> ...
Studio? Where are the bathroom and the kitchenette? All hacked away? Or need to share common ones with neighbors?