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I met a nationalist grab driver this evening. He told me that government must ban Singaporeans from buying necessities in Malaysia


It is quite the trip into JB to buy stuff, even if you drive. Perhaps ok for Woodlands or Jurong West residents. This cabbie is a retard


He said things such as instant noodles, drugs, health care, personal care items and food are considered as necessities in Singapore.

We as Singaporeans must not go to Malaysia to buy these necessities and we must not be selfish.

Government must consider imposing 1000% tax on these items.

Daily necessities are the same as car petrol. They must be fully control and citizens cannot buy them in JB.
Just tell the Malaysian government to shut the borders with Singapore. Period.
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Just issue the this private hire driver a CDC voucher, and he will shut his Jamban mouth up, kneel down and called you papa.
Is he into Marxism?


Like what israel did to gaza? And blockade the ports and airspace as well
The problem is the Malaysian government won't dare to do it. Their people, especially Johorians, were lobbying for the 2 governments to open the borders as soon as possible during the 2 years of closure due to Covid-19. They cannot tahan lah. Lots of businesses in Johor were closing shops during that 2-year window period. More than 60% of Johor's retail and F&B businesses are depending on Sinkies patronage, without which, they can only fuck themselves.


1. Malaysians & Singaporeans are friends. Malaysia is our neighbor & Johor our closest neighbor. STOP bashing each other, as ultimately, each are only seeking to put food on the table for loved ones & oneself thru honest work.

2. Singapore's current economic push into Johor is to uplift both Singaporeans & Malaysians lives. There exists a far far bigger picture that only a rare few would realize. Our govt & civil service are made up of deep thinkers, whom planned not just 5 or 10 yrs ahead, but 50 to 100 yrs ahead, with risk mgmt teams monitoring scientific & social advance trends DAILY, to adjust accordingly to the master plan.....

3. Johor is a federal State of Malaysia. What it earns as a State, such earnings eventually will have to be shared among every State, less what it needs for its own social & economic infrastructure developments.

4a) The Grab driver is correct in his presumptions that should Singaporeans buy goods in Johor, it will be our S$ that would suffer, as well as necessary goods outlets in Singapore, including the small mom & pop provision shops.

However, it may not necessarily be so.

It's a free market anyway & consumers are kings. It will also help lower inflationary pressures upon Singapore as shop keepers & supply chains would not dare to raise their prices too high here in Singapore, fearing competition from across the causeway.

4b) While goods imported into Singapore can be cheap, as our Port lays within where all compass point meets, it is PROPERTY prices - sale & rental - that results in supply chains such as shop & stall keepers raising their prices. Singapore has just too limited land space. Even as we go VERTICAL such as factories, wharehousing & shops, the land costs are just too high.

For factories, wharehousing & shops in Johor, it is far cheaper as that landspace in Johor alone is many more times bigger than Singapore, resulting in lower land sale & rental prices. Any foolish developer who seeks to market high price units WILL see his competitor building the same but selling at a cheaper price to corner the market & profits.

As a result, Johor biz enterprises are able to offer cheaper goods & services as rents, & living standards are far lower than Singapore......

5) With Singapore's precious high value dollar helping Johor State, it would result in better Johor economic & social infrastructure such as education, healthcare, transportation networks, legal systems, security, etc. It will be a win win situation for Singapore, Johor State & Malaysia...



S9mebody should tell the grab driver that he lives on a malay island lest he forget.

Land space are non sentient- it is just ground.

It is HOW a mortal can MAXIMIZE & MANAGE that piece of untouched but filled with potential space to UPLIFT lives that is critical for survival of all...

Humankind has a destiny to fulfill...it is to the stars, to manage, a promise made eons ago, & proven by Humanity's direction towards space & its resources, step by step with innovation since the age of enlightenment which began in 17th century Europe....

So why fight and slaughter each precious mortal wbom is special to another over mere scaps of land on planet Earth such as what FOOLISH RUS is doing to UKR & CCP china is threatening sovereign Taiiwan, nation states in Southern seas, WHEN an untouched UNIVERSE & ITS RESOURCES awaits us Humankind, which can only be achievable in peace & stability in the meanwhile, to grow, progress & develop our education & strengths as courageous enlightened 17tn century ancestors had done whom gave us our todays?
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