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I met a nationalist grab driver this evening. He told me that government must ban Singaporeans from buying necessities in Malaysia


He said things such as instant noodles, drugs, health care, personal care items and food are considered as necessities in Singapore.

We as Singaporeans must not go to Malaysia to buy these necessities and we must not be selfish.

Government must consider imposing 1000% tax on these items.

Daily necessities are the same as car petrol. They must be fully control and citizens cannot buy them in JB.
Loads of bullshit.
Leember they brought in bountiful talented ppl from 3rd world to suppress the wage here. Gave them citizenship here readily. Access to job mkt and trade licenses in the name of free mkt and we just have to open.

Buying necessities from Midland will give these pap the middle fingers. Give them a taste of free mkt economy. Knn they could have given foreigner to drive grab. Fucking grabb driver is still thinking that pap cares for sgp citizen.

Being Capable and caring is not in the PAP's DNA. Just remember.
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Are u a jiuhu turncoat?
It's true. We need mudland more than mudland needs us.

Mudland can shut their country and they can still survive. They have oil,they have rice,they have their own vegetable and poultry.

What do we have ?
Our vegetables farm has been closing like flies.


Never forget if boleh side turn off water our newater also not 100% enough to supply 6 million population currently, PAP still want to open leg to whole world


Remember, if we don’t buy from ntuc fair price, they will have no profits to may for union leaders !!!

Singapore is unique and only in Singapore that our union leaders receive good salary and at the same time Singapore is the only country flooded with so many union leaders and foreign workers


Why let these Foreign Company earn our money?

I can see from your other post keep cursing sinki as retard and handicap...what is your objective?

Are u a foreign operatives who is here to sought discord?
Maybe he grew up under the influence of Lee Kuan Yew who cursed Singaporeans as daft ?


When completed, the RTS Link will connect Bukit Chagar in Johor Bahru to Woodlands North in Singapore. With a peak capacity of up to 10,000 passengers per hour per direction, it will facilitate the commute between Singapore and Johor Bahru.