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I just told off a Communist in the MRT


Just now, when I boarded the MRT , an irritatingly China man was blasting his Communist news and stupid Communist variety show videos in MRT.

I walked over and told him NICELY to be considerate to other commuters.

I told him this is Singapore and we don't like such uncivilised (没文化) conduct in our public transportation system. I also told him he should use a ear piece.

He looked shock. Then he put on his ear piece.

I really hate these Communist people. :mad:
If she's a chiobu ATB, would you do the same?


You can tell him to turn down the volume but there is no need to go any further. Once you go on “this is Singapore…” you are making a fool out of yourself. You cannot appreciate the Chinese variety shows because between you and him… the difference is 5000 years of Chinese culture which you do not possess.
5000 years of culture but you still get their people shitting on the roads today, behaving exactly like animals. It's so uncivilized don't you agree?


Just now, when I boarded the MRT , an irritatingly China man was blasting his Communist news and stupid Communist variety show videos in MRT.

I walked over and told him NICELY to be considerate to other commuters.

I told him this is Singapore and we don't like such uncivilised (没文化) conduct in our public transportation system. I also told him he should use a ear piece.

He looked shock. Then he put on his ear piece.

I really hate these Communist people. :mad:
You use shitpeople dont complain when they give you wuhan virus


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
5000 years of culture but you still get their people shitting on the roads today, behaving exactly like animals. It's so uncivilized don't you agree?
There are always bad eggs. Out of 1.4Bn population, I'm not surprised to find a 0.000001% morons. It's like a few Americans fucked monkeys and get monkey pox, do you conclude all Americans fuck monkeys? Or there are a few Malaysian or Singaporean who fight over Hello Kitty, do you conclude 'Singaporeans fight over Hello kitty'?


There are always bad eggs. Out of 1.4Bn population, I'm not surprised to find a 0.000001% morons. It's like a few Americans fucked monkeys and get monkey pox, do you conclude all Americans fuck monkeys? Or there are a few Malaysian or Singaporean who fight over Hello Kitty, do you conclude 'Singaporeans fight over Hello kitty'?
5000 years of culture will not have people shitting in public. I don't think you'll get this happening in modern Japan. Winnie should have similarly imposed his same "Zero Covid" policy for a "Zero Public Shitting" policy to resemble a 5000-year old culture. I have never claimed there's 5000 years of American culture or Sinkie culture. So, what are you comparing and kpkb about? Did I start on the 5000 years Chinese culture challenge against @bigcockman?

By the way, see for yourself how biased you can be for the Commies but always against the Sinkies. Pui to you. You can tell @bigcockman cannot say "This is Singapore" BUT YET, you approve of this video clip where the Commies can say "This is China", where you had even claimed in your own post thereafter: "I think anyone who does not respect the rule of the place he is at deserves to be fucked." How do you explain this?

See your own post here: https://www.sammyboy.com/threads/ca...ahtiu-becoming-terrorist.321479/#post-3610023
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
5000 years of culture will not have people shitting in public. I don't think you'll get this happening in modern Japan. Winnie should have similarly imposed his same "Zero Covid" policy for a "Zero Public Shitting" policy to resemble a 5000-year old culture. I have never claimed there's 5000 years of American culture or Sinkie culture. So, what are you comparing and kpkb about? Did I start on the 5000 years Chinese culture challenge against @bigcockman?

By the way, see for yourself how biased you can be for the Commies but always against the Sinkies. Pui to you. You can tell @bigcockman cannot say "This is Singapore" BUT YET, you approve of this video clip where the Commies can say "This is China", where you had even claimed in your own post thereafter: "I think anyone who does not respect the rule of the place he is at deserves to be fucked." How do you explain this?

See your own post here: https://www.sammyboy.com/threads/ca...ahtiu-becoming-terrorist.321479/#post-3610023
Listening to music on the train is a minor issue. I’ve seen lots of people watching their TikTok loudly on the train and in buses and many of them are locals. Barging through a security barrier deserves a different level of getting fucked.


Listening to music on the train is a minor issue. I’ve seen lots of people watching their TikTok loudly on the train and in buses and many of them are locals. Barging through a security barrier deserves a different level of getting fucked.
Please lah. In that video, it was not a case of "barging". Where did you see this happening? The Malaysians were only not happy that despite how they have explained and even with the 公安's knowledge, the security still wouldn't let them in. At no time did the Malaysians barge in, not even till the last minute. On the other hand, you wholeheartedly agree that the security had a right to call them, your fellow countrymen, 走狗. Where is your impartiality?

By the way, what is wrong with saying "This is Singapore", which is the actual fact? Tell me why cannot? There is no need to debate further on this incident. Your unfair criticism against @bigcockman has been clear for everyone here to see for themselves. We all know you too well already.
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Please lah. In that video, it was not a case of "barging". Where did you see this happening? The Malaysians were only not happy that despite how they have explained and even with the 公安's knowledge, the security still wouldn't let them in. At no time did the Malaysians barge in, not even till the last minute. On the other hand, you wholeheartedly agree that the security had a right to call them, your fellow countrymen, 走狗. Where is your impartiality?

By the way, what is wrong with saying "This is Singapore", which is the actual fact? Tell me why cannot? There is no need to debate further on this incident. Your unfair criticism against @bigcockman has been clear for everyone here to see for themselves. We all know you too well already.
Sir, it's really OK with me. I am fine with people calling me names since NS days. Over time, I don't get affected anymore even with nasty, unhelpful or undesirable comments. Thankyou.:notworthy:


Sir, it's really OK with me. I am fine with people calling me names since NS days. Over time, I don't get affected anymore even with nasty, unhelpful or undesirable comments. Thankyou.:notworthy:
You give in too easily and you'll get trampled over in life. Anyway, you happy can already.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Please lah. In that video, it was not a case of "barging". Where did you see this happening? The Malaysians were only not happy that despite how they have explained and even with the 公安's knowledge, the security still wouldn't let them in. At no time did the Malaysians barge in, not even till the last minute. On the other hand, you wholeheartedly agree that the security had a right to call them, your fellow countrymen, 走狗. Where is your impartiality?

By the way, what is wrong with saying "This is Singapore", which is the actual fact? Tell me why cannot? There is no need to debate further on this incident. Your unfair criticism against @bigcockman has been clear for everyone here to see for themselves. We all know you too well already.
Tell me what did that stupid lian bang video showed what was the incident leading to that? That few stupid jiuhukias must have thought China is like in the 70s where any overseas Chinese returning to China are big fuck… they are approximately 50 years behind time. I tell you what’s wrong with telling people “This is Singapore”. Singapore has good stuff it can be proud of but it is by no means anywhere close to where China is today in terms of economic, political and military power. The way you speak says a lot about your upbringing and awareness of the world. So when you say “this is Singapore” first it demonstrates your lack of EQ. 2nd it demonstrates you live under a shell and probably has never been to a far more advance city. You can easily find 30 cities more advance than Singapore. Yes you can be proud about Singapore but throwing your weight around is unwise.


Tell me what did that stupid lian bang video showed what was the incident leading to that? That few stupid jiuhukias must have thought China is like in the 70s where any overseas Chinese returning to China are big fuck… they are approximately 50 years behind time. I tell you what’s wrong with telling people “This is Singapore”. Singapore has good stuff it can be proud of but it is by no means anywhere close to where China is today in terms of economic, political and military power. The way you speak says a lot about your upbringing and awareness of the world. So when you say “this is Singapore” first it demonstrates your lack of EQ. 2nd it demonstrates you live under a shell and probably has never been to a far more advance city. You can easily find 30 cities more advance than Singapore. Yes you can be proud about Singapore but throwing your weight around is unwise.
To sum it up for you: WOOF.

You are the biggest retard in this forum when you say it is inappropriate for Sinkies to say "This is Singapore" whilst in Singapore, but it is okay for the Chinks to say "This is China" whilst in China. So, you are trying to say that it is perfectly okay for the Chinks to throw their weight around. What kind of a fucking logic is this? Every country has its pros and capability and what gives you the right for you to judge them? If the Chink's culture is that refined, their government won't have to teach its people to control and be aware of their behaviors and attitudes when in overseas. What a fucking shame? The way you counter argue really shows your own incapabilities, incompetency and clearly presenting yourself as a big fool and an idiot in this forum. Remember you said before that PANASONIC makes outdated appliances?

China can get to where it is today is because they have been stealing Intellectual Property Rights and copying from others. Also, they heavily subsidized their own industries to create huge export advantages for their goods, curtailing others from achieving a fair competition. They also imposed unfair trade practices such that their imports of finished goods are heavily taxed but will always ask for favored nation status for their exports. Any such country which doesn't conform to their liking will face severe form of retaliations by restricting imports from that particular country. Eg: Korean products were once banned during the THAAD missile dispute, Australian wine and coal were banned during their dispute about the origin of the Covid virus, Taiwanese fruits and pineapples are still banned for their political affiliation with America, and many many more. Such unfair practices deserve no recognition nor accolades. Pui to the maximum.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
To sum it up for you: WOOF.

You are the biggest retard in this forum when you say it is inappropriate for Sinkies to say "This is Singapore" whilst in Singapore, but it is okay for the Chinks to say "This is China" whilst in China. So, you are trying to say that it is perfectly okay for the Chinks to throw their weight around. What kind of a fucking logic is this? Every country has its pros and capability and what gives you the right for you to judge them? If the Chink's culture is that refined, their government won't have to teach its people to control and be aware of their behaviors and attitudes when in overseas. What a fucking shame? The way you counter argue really shows your own incapabilities, incompetency and clearly presenting yourself as a big fool and an idiot in this forum. Remember you said before that PANASONIC makes outdated appliances?

China can get to where it is today is because they have been stealing Intellectual Property Rights and copying from others. Also, they heavily subsidized their own industries to create huge export advantages for their goods, curtailing others from achieving a fair competition. They also imposed unfair trade practices such that their imports of finished goods are heavily taxed but will always ask for favored nation status for their exports. Any such country which doesn't conform to their liking will face severe form of retaliations by restricting imports from that particular country. Eg: Korean products were once banned during the THAAD missile dispute, Australian wine and coal were banned during their dispute about the origin of the Covid virus, Taiwanese fruits and pineapples are still banned for their political affiliation with America, and many many more. Such unfair practices deserve no recognition nor accolades. Pui to the maximum.
You seem like a bitter person who blames the entire misery of your life on China. You have your own twisted view of China which is largely concocted by the loser western nations. I wish you a nice life rotting with them.


You seem like a bitter person who blames the entire misery of your life on China. You have your own twisted view of China which is largely concocted by the loser western nations. I wish you a nice life rotting with them.
The loser is you because I am stating true facts for all to read and see, not something concocted out of thin air like you always do. I challenge you to counter me what I had said in my previous post is untrue. I don't bull-shit in my posts unlike you always do in yours. A loser like you cannot counter my posts most of the time because you always refuses to face true facts, but will worship your Commie Lords till the day you die. I hope that they will at least lay a wreath for you on the day of your funeral. Otherwise, suckers like you and @tanwahtiu would have simply wasted all your efforts. Traitors like you should have quit your job from your Ang Mo boss. What a loser to still have to depend on their earnings for your monthly remuneration? Why don't you work for a Tiong boss instead?

By the way, my life is in no way any miserable. Why should I when I have no financial worry, no family worry and best of all, no bosses to face everyday. Commie countries are the ones always giving problems to the world. China started Covid and Russia started the war with Ukraine as if the last 2 years of the Covid pandemic is not enough for the people of the world to suffer. WTF?
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Just now, when I boarded the MRT , an irritatingly China man was blasting his Communist news and stupid Communist variety show videos in MRT.

I walked over and told him NICELY to be considerate to other commuters.

I told him this is Singapore and we don't like such uncivilised (没文化) conduct in our public transportation system. I also told him he should use a ear piece.

He looked shock. Then he put on his ear piece.

I really hate these Communist people. :mad:
You so brave go China and scold the true communists like Xi Jinping.


The loser is you because I am stating true facts for all to read and see, not something concocted out of thin air like you always do. I challenge you to counter me what I had said in my previous post is untrue. I don't bull-shit in my posts unlike you always do in yours. A loser like you cannot counter my posts most of the time because you always refuses to face true facts, but will worship your Commie Lords till the day you die. I hope that they will at least lay a wreath for you on the day of your funeral. Otherwise, suckers like you and @tanwahtiu would have simply wasted all your efforts. Traitors like you should have quit your job from your Ang Mo boss. What a loser to still have to depend on their earnings for your monthly remuneration? Why don't you work for a Tiong boss instead?

By the way, my life is in no way any miserable. Why should I when I have no financial worry, no family worry and best of all, no bosses to face everyday. Commie countries are the ones always giving problems to the world. China started Covid and Russia started the war with Ukraine as if the last 2 years of the Covid pandemic is not enough for the people of the world to suffer. WTF?

Go fuck yrslf and fuck blue camels.... knnnccb kia u.....

A Singaporean

Any update on how you fuck your sister you like to share? Still it is your father's fault for turning into a pervert?


Go fuck yrslf and fuck blue camels.... knnnccb kia u.....



Just now, when I boarded the MRT , an irritatingly China man was blasting his Communist news and stupid Communist variety show videos in MRT.

I walked over and told him NICELY to be considerate to other commuters.

I told him this is Singapore and we don't like such uncivilised (没文化) conduct in our public transportation system. I also told him he should use a ear piece.

He looked shock. Then he put on his ear piece.

I really hate these Communist people. :mad:
Many sinki old farts as well. I will tap their shoulders and command them to shut their f up