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Chitchat I feel the earth move.... property crash tumbling down coming soon...


Enjoy while it last.... the last tenant from India cannot move in... the fake degrees Indians tio covid means what ah...



Alfrescian (Inf)
And they still want to build more. For example, top of Pearl's Hill, the new Normanton Park, the one at the end of Jiak Kim Street.


And they still want to build more. For example, top of Pearl's Hill, the new Normanton Park, the one at the end of Jiak Kim Street.

they have no other idea how to run a downhill rolling spore,
after all these laundered money and useless printed cash from other countries stops coming in, we will see the real picture


Super Moderator
Staff member
Don't be so bad. If property market collapse there will be a lot of pain for everyone in SG. SGD$ will also drop causing inflation.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Don't be so bad. If property market collapse there will be a lot of pain for everyone in SG. SGD$ will also drop causing inflation.

Isn't that a good thing for people who want to buy? Just acquiring a decent roof over the head, no intentions to huat from renting it out or acquiring multiple properties.

Inflation... wait till the GST is increased. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Good for the property market to crash or have a severe correction.
More affordable housing for young families.
Less demand for construction and foreign workers.
Less import of foreign workers from high-risk countries.
Better chance of stopping the spread of Covid-19 in the local community.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Isn't that a good thing for people who want to buy? Just acquiring a decent roof over the head, no intentions to huat from renting it out or acquiring multiple properties.

Inflation... wait till the GST is increased. :biggrin:

Thats what people think. Oh property prices drop by half. Cheaper to buy.

Yeah but you have to consider the overall picture for that drop to happen. It cannot be in isolation especially in a small country like Sg where land is scarce.

Likely something very bad happened to the economy too.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Good for the property market to crash or have a severe correction.
More affordable housing for young families.
Less demand for construction and foreign workers.
Less import of foreign workers from high-risk countries.
Better chance of stopping the spread of Covid-19 in the local community.

Unfortunately, the PAP govt's political fortunes are closely intertwined with a property market that is climbing up. Expect it to use all methods fair and foul to prop it up.

That's why PAP-Sinkieland is a microcosm of CCP-Tiongland. Only the latter doesn't have elections and has a Great Firewall.


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Crash what crash? Past 15 months of pandemic you see Singapore’s property price growing strength to strength not a blink of weakening and now with the recovering of this pandemic in sight the only way the property prices will go is up and up and up. Make no mistake now is the best time to jump in.


Go in now you die cock standing....

Painting was on the walls 3 years ago.... just a matter of when now.

At the start of pandemic those current projects has to continue, but new developments plans on the table freezes as the banks stop lending. When all current projects near completion the construction industry will collapse with no new developments...

Property is all about financing debts and banks stopped lending crash coming.

Crash what crash? Past 15 months of pandemic you see Singapore’s property price growing strength to strength not a blink of weakening and now with the recovering of this pandemic in sight the only way the property prices will go is up and up and up. Make no mistake now is the best time to jump in.
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Thats what people think. Oh property prices drop by half. Cheaper to buy.

Yeah but you have to consider the overall picture for that drop to happen. It cannot be in isolation especially in a small country like Sg where land is scarce.

Likely something very bad happened to the economy too.

Maybe when pinky suddenly uplorry


It's quite hard to drop unless SG goes into recession with many jobless n no foreigners coming in to take up the rentals. Just use the resale HDB prices as a reference point n u can see the prices are inching up slowly. Even the resale HDBs in Punggol is going @around 500k for 4A flat.


Will get suck in once the building construction industry get hit badly.... no mercy...

How can this covid goes away like magic... it's bleeding the world economy.

There is this best time of the century to boom the world economy from 2000 to 2016 for a good reason. Not for me to say... only experts can say..

But can say in yr 2000 was the opening up of unsecured bank loan instrument MTN 4 year financial game which leads to LOC to finance loans for residential investment properties for commoners.

Then after 2016 it is going to crash the world economy..... they haven't figure out how to crash the economy worldwide yet to stop residential building construction from booming. Now it is happening, Game over.

Now this LOC become unlucrative financial instrument for lenders and is time to crash it is now.

Those who sold the residential buildings now is safe from drowning.

When that HK tycoon sold his HK properties 2 years ago he must had known the 三宝殿, the 3 major movers and shakers, plans.

The Happy days are over...

This Covid was planned to halt world economy booming.

Furthermore, this Covid game is to stop negative interest rate from happening. Banks are bleeding now, and if negative interest rate shows up the world economy is finished.

China economy booming!
Crash what crash? Past 15 months of pandemic you see Singapore’s property price growing strength to strength not a blink of weakening and now with the recovering of this pandemic in sight the only way the property prices will go is up and up and up. Make no mistake now is the best time to jump in.
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Will get suck in once the building construction industry get hit badly.... no mercy...

How can this covid goes away like magic... it's bleeding the world economy.

There is this best time of the century to boom the world economy from 2000 to 2016 for a good reason.

Then after 2016 it is going to crash the world economy..... they haven't figure out how to crash the economy worldwide yet to stop residential building construction from booming. Now it is happening, Game over.

Those who sold the residential buildings now is safe from drowning.

When that HK tycoon sold his HK properties 2 years ago he must had known the 三宝殿, the 3 major movers and shakers, plan.

The Happy days are over...

This Covid was planned to halt world economy booming.
Who created covid?