Do you list your degrees as your money-making assets or your write-off.
Does Singapore dream refers to your dream?
Do you have an opinion of yourself at all? Perhaps that would explain the lack of your motivation and why PRC talents think Singaporeans are .................
If you have a hobby, you should see if that can be upgraded to a 2nd income stream. (You become the boss)
My degrees are of course a money-making asset. I don't work in a field related to my degrees but with those papers, I can easily get a job or be self-employed for 3-4k a month using what I have learnt. I work damn hard and spent a god damn lot of money to graduate. And to be honest, I did enjoy learning. Maybe I will go for a Phd in future, but there are many other things I want to do now.
That is why it boggles my mind that engineers like Hotbot who say they have degrees would bother to drive taxis. Even my fresh EEE grad friend can give tuition part-time when he was studying and make 1.6-2k each month.
Hotbot must really be a freaking loser!
aiyoh...boss may be joking about his amount but mine is real leh. The rascal clinton wanted to lend me some money interest free but he wanted to lift up one leg and pee on me first so i said NO
Clinton is a great man.