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[HWZ EDMW forums] MOE vice-principal of popular primary school caught in extra-marital affair with school parent


Fuck! Whose maid is this!
Watch is sub date. Car don't know
Later my bro @Raiders will say bonkable, can eat don't waste.
No money to pay income tax, but got money to 养小三

View attachment 208356
Bring back memory of Good Old day
Bring back memory of Good Old day
This ex LTC tio summoned to see his Big Boss?
To all these Cantonese hakka Teochew dogs sons of sluts upping slut whore mistress thread around me to insult me hokkien virgin as slut may you and your women be gangraped and insulted as slut.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
1. You think too highly of these army regulars. If you draw less than $10k a month, how much can u spend on ktvs. These clowns can probably buy a car to show off in army camp and a little fancy stuff, but these are not high fliers for sure.

2. Victim? She’s a fucking slut who goes around on dates with a married man, takes photos openly and with friends presence. lol she ain’t no victim for sure.

3. He is being judged because some professions or place of work requires a higher level of moral compass. School, church, govt agencies.
Well said if work in ah Beng occupation like a car salesman banging a customer he will be the alpha staff of the company even his boss will be envious


When cum to sex , suck ,lick. We being sbf members must always live up to leave no one unbonkable , can eat don't waste is our motto 2nd to none ,above others and beyond horizon to unpiakable becomes piakable. 69 is our number ,our position.

You mean you can bring yourself to lick, suck and piak this dinobu?
