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how to have horny to horny talk?teach me
KNN horny to horny talk is cb talk to lj KNN



You'd be surprised there are many ways to imply oral sex. Many years ago, I had a Pinay maid. She told me they referred to sucking dick as "singing". As in karaoke singing, singing into a microphone. Hence an example would be : Sir, do you want singing? And Sir always replied : "Yes":biggrin:
this i heard b4


Pretty obvious isn't it going by the rubbish low ses PSLE highest educational level posts you see here :rolleyes:

true, when i compraint to ministries, they see my low ses england, they will always call me for HTHT, instead of writing me a reply.

But i don't judge people based on their education background. Heart no good, even if they can write flowerly england, also no point.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
You'd be surprised there are many ways to imply oral sex. Many years ago, I had a Pinay maid. She told me they referred to sucking dick as "singing". As in karaoke singing, singing into a microphone. Hence an example would be : Sir, do you want singing? And Sir always replied : "Yes":biggrin:
For Thais, their euphemism is "smoking" (I kid you not:geek:).
Just don't let chabors smoke you out


Heylow Claire. Limpei is Ah Meng. Chiu wanna PM me your lumber? I lope chiu many many. I your secret admirer :inlove: