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how to tell whether a female colleague is horny type?


No need to act blur @jw5 already said long time ago they are Jeremy Quek and I didn’t see you ask him for proof because you scared of good strong man of course. Anyway they have proven themselves jeremy Quek all disappeared and reappeared together and all insulted me Ccb Cantonese means they are the same Ccb Cantonese son of whore insulting me one.
ask u to show proof u give so many excuses and no proof


You @Stickyballs this kind of people not just won’t lift a finger to help save life as fire fighter like the deaf hokkien hero but you see fire and victim inside is people you don’t like you will kick the victim back and close the door. Pui!
And what’s scary is the victim need not have done a thing to harm such evil people for them to do that to her. Pui!


i don't save ceca or tiong
they die their own problem
No need to act blur obviously I am talking figuratively and you and your clone threads to attack me strike when people are depressed and sick already proved you are this kind of evil people definitely not in the league of dead hokkien hero


No need to act blur obviously I am talking figuratively and you and your clone threads to attack me strike when people are depressed and sick already proved you are this kind of evil people definitely not in the league of dead hokkien hero
u always talk with out prove


Giving excuses is you when I clearly said they already proved themselves just like how you proved yourself as a useless loser son of whore attacking me one
Schizophrenic bitch needs to be examined by IMH and restrained in a straitjacket


Jeremy Quek whore Dog spewing Cantonese insulting woman as whore to win. Pui! View attachment 172144

Gan Siok Bing the drunk reckless driver :biggrin: