Earlier I spoke about renting ... cannot be helped because of demand and supply.
Low pay and no Career ?
Talk about aspiration, opportunities and outcomes.
What do you aspire to be? In Singapore, there are only so many careers because of taboos, undesirable careers and limited geography.
In Australia, there are more diverse opportunities Eg you can go into agriculture and still expect to do well. From wine to truffles to growing shitake mushrooms in old disused railway tunnels. CBH is a big employer forever looking for people.
Then there is the CSIRO that employ many Asian scientists.
Because this is a mature (haha) established country, we do not get "nation building" government picking us from the street to start new industries, etc.
The problem with Australia is the way the government use welfare to achieve some sort of fairness in society, I called that equal outcome (borrowed that term from somewhere)
Refugees and migrants go to Australia because they get better outcomes, without lifting a finger. Eg healthcare, leisure, less stress.
I also wonder why I work when these "outcomes" are easily attainable whether I work or not.
It is quite easy to be addicted to low pay when Aussies realise that they do not need to strive for higher pay - since they have access to the same outcomes.
In fact, when the minimum pay is $16/hour, it is best to get the easiest job and get that same pay.
It is hard to find childcare workers because they have to go though so many obstacles (police clearance. working with child clearance, safety, tests after test) just to earn that low pay. People would rather work in a government dept playing Angry Birds on Mondays, office yoga on Tuesdays, going to office gym on Wednesday, massage on Thurdays and leaving for pub at 2pm on Fridays.
Otherwise, stay at home and wait for centrelink newstart allowance.